Chapter 3

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Levi POV

Back at the mess hall

I turned to walk away from y/n's table to go sit by Erwin facing y/n's back. As I sat down and poured my glass Erwin hummed. Coking up an eyebrow I said "what?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing, just wondering what was going on with y/n, I have never seen you talk to anyone just out of the blue unless they're in your squad."

"Why would that matter if I spoke with her? I was just speaking to a cadet."

"There is nothing wrong with speaking to her, I just found it rather amusing"

"I'm not even going to ask why" I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my black tea. Of course my eyes land on y/n. I notice she is rather close with Eld and Gunther, I've also heard some things about her from conversations with my squad. Not that I was a part of it, they just happen to be speaking rather loud enough for me to overhear.

I was confused as to why she looked at me the way she did in Hange's experimentation room/office. Was she trying to say something to me? Then when I caught her staring her face had a rosy hue to it. I've never seen her look at anyone like that before. Honestly, it made me feel embarrassed as well.

I've seen her around before this, never spoken to her. But she definitely is graceful and compassionate towards others. I've seen her give her portions of food to people who were still hungry, running errands for Hange, and being by Eld and Gunther's side whenever they got hurt. I can tell she is the nursing type the way she can be bossy and worryful for those two.

She always has this smile that eases everyone's mind, I've never seen her mad or angry before, it's hard to believe I've never seen or heard of her being rude, angry or sad.

But then again I don't know her, but for some reason, she seems to abrupt my mind for now. I can't stop thinking about her face. She has pretty (e/c) eyes and smooth (h/l) (h/c) hair that she keeps hidden in a bun or ponytail style.

"Well, it's about that time Levi."

I hummed in response while picking up my teacup.

"What's your team's agenda today?"

"We are teaming up with Hange's squad to train," I said finishing up my tea and setting it down.

"Alright, well don't go too hard on them, we have a party tonight after all."


"Are you not joining us?"

"I'll be busy with paperwork so I'm going to pass"

"I think it'll be good to go, not only for you but for your squad." Erwin said as I  started to get up from my seat.

"I'll think about it Erwin," I said walking away towards my squad's training grounds.

When I arrived, I saw my squad talking amongst themselves as per usual, when they noticed me they all lined up and saluted me.

"Alright brats, today we are changing up training by joining another squad, don't make a habit of it, this is only for today."

"Sir, can I ask why?"Petra spoke softly.

"To switch things up and experience new opponents. That is all."

"What squad will we be joining? That will be a struggle for us, I mean we are the elite squad." Oluo remarked.

"We will be joining squad Hange in training after we do our regular warm-ups."

"WHAT," Eld said with great concern "and what exactly are we doing?"

"You'll see when we get there, but right now let's start with 20 laps."

Moonshine; L.AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now