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< Tuesday 12, 2019 >

{ Hannah }

Today we're headed to Hollywood Studios, but we're heading there a little later. Ashton woke up around six this morning with a horrible migraine. He could barely get out of bed. So for now, he took some medicine and he's sleeping it off. When he wakes up, we'll reassess and decide whether all three of us go to the park or just Cason and me. The park is open until 9:00 so I'm not worried about what time we get there, plus it's not like Cason can do the big rides anyway.

To keep out of Ashton's way and to allow him to get some sleep, Cason and I left the room to grab some breakfast and go to the little playground at the hotel. We'll probably go look at the animals too since we're staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge.

We walked into the food area and ordered both Cason and me some Mickey waffles and bacon. I then got a coffee and got Cason some chocolate milk. Once I paid, we went and sat at a table outside since it was nice out,

"Are you having fun at Disney so far?" I asked my son who was devouring his waffles,

"Yeah!" he beamed, "See Woody t'day?"

"Yeah we're seeing Woody today" I smiled,

"Daddy go to?" he asked, tilting his head,

"He's going too but his head is feeling icky right now so we're going to let him sleep for a little bit" I explained, "You've been calling him Dad a lot. Is that what you want to call him instead of Ashy?"

Cason sat for a second then nodded,

"Yeah. He woves me wike a dad" he told me, making my heart melt,

"You're right Cas, he does" I smiled, "Finish eating and we can go play on the playground"


I sat on a bench watching Cason walked around the playground as Ashton walked over with the stroller and our park bag, dressed and ready to go,

"Hi babe" I smiled, pecking his lips, "Feel better?"

"Yeah. I think I needed to sleep it off. I'm ready to head out if you are"

I nodded and called Cason over. He slowly made his way over and lifted his arms for Ashton to pick him up. So we switched and I took the stroller while he took Cason,

"Daddy, we going to see Woody!" Cason beamed, as we walked to the bus,

"I know! I'm so excited! I've always wanted to meet Woody" Ashton cheered back,

"You take a picta too?" Cason asked, finally letting his head lay against Ashton's shoulder,

"What if me, you, and Mommy take a picture with Woody together?" Ashton suggested, making Cason nod.

The bus was waiting at the stop when we got to it, so we hopped and on and settled near the back. Hollywood Studios looks like it's gonna be packed based on the amount of people on the bus with us. It's a good thing I got fast passes.


As soon as we got in the park, we put Cason in the stroller and headed towards Toy Story Land, which is where everyone was going. Luckily we had fast passes for all three rides over there,

"Which one do we go to first?" Ashton asked as he pushed the stroller,

"Toy Story Mania" I spoke, making him nod.

We got to the entrance of Toy Story Land and Cason gasped when he saw the giant Woody sign,

"Mommy! Daddy! Look!" he beamed and pointed,

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