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< March >
< Friday 28, 2019 >

{ Ashton }

We leave for Florida in a few days so Hannah's been super busy with work and getting stuff together for the work portion of the trip. Tonight she's got a business dinner to go to so I'll have Cason overnight.

I'm a bit nervous to have Cason. I haven't had him by myself that many times, especially overnight. I think he will be okay, so that's what I'm hoping.

I had just finished cleaning up some when I heard my door open and Cason's giggles fill the quiet room,

"Ashy! I'm here!" He yelled. I laughed and walked around the corner where Hannah stood behind him, lightly holding his arm. He's been walking on his own, with the brace of course, but he's a bit wobbly now that he can bend it,

"Hi buddy!" I grinned, picking him up and hugging him, "Hi baby" I then smiled and kissed Hannah,

"You're good with him tonight?" Hannah asked to be sure. I nodded and she sat Cason's bag down with his blanket and Pluto,

"Be good for Ash" Hannah told Cason, "I love you"

"I wove you" he smiled and gave her a kiss before laying his head back on my shoulder. Hannah chuckled and kissed me once more before leaving.

Cason and I stood on my porch and waved to Hannah until she was out of view then we headed back inside where I gently sat him on the couch,

"Alright dude! What are we gonna do at our sleepover?" I asked, sitting on my coffee table across from him,

"Make cookies and watch movie" he proudly spoke, "Oh and pway twucks"

I couldn't help but laugh a little,

"We can do that, but we have to go to the store to get cookie stuff. We can get dinner while we do that" I told him. Cason nodded with a big smile,

"Alright well, let's go do that so we can get back here and play trucks" I stood. Cason giggled and I helped him off the couch and onto his feet where he carefully walked in front of me to the garage door.

I got Cason buckled into his carseat and then climbed in the driver's seat myself,

"What should we listen to Cas Cas?" I asked, glancing at him in the mirror as I backed out,

"Cars!" he yelled. I smiled and turned on the Cars soundtrack for our ride.


Mine and Cason's first stop was dinner. He wanted tacos so I decided to take him to a small Mexican restaurant. Cason was sitting across from me devouring the chips and salsa, just like his mom does,

"You know, Mommy and I come here on dates a lot," I told him. His eyes lit up,

"I come too?" he asked,

"Next time Mommy and I go, you can come too" I nodded. He cheered and did a little dance in his seat.

A few minutes later our food came out and was placed in front of us. Cason dug right into his taco,

"Is it good?" I asked. Cason looked up and nodded, his mouth still full of food,

"When we finish we will go to the grocery store and get cookie stuff then go back to my house," I told him,

"Okay!" Cason giggled and kept eating. One thing about Cason is that he does eat well. I know a lot of kids won't eat their food or just poke at it, but Cason does eat.

Once we finished, I paid for our food and we headed over to the grocery store. I held Cason's hand as we walked. The walk was obviously slower because Cason is still healing and has a huge ass brace on his little leg.

"Let me know if your knee hurts so I can pick you up," I told him,

"I will Ashy" he giggled. I smiled and we headed back to the cold section. I grabbed a pack of chocolate chip cookie dough then we headed back up front to check out.  Cason wanted to put my credit card in the machine so I picked him up and let him do so. He was so proud of himself and thought he was such a big kid.

"I cawwy da bag," he told me as I put him down. I nodded and let him grab the grocery bag and carry it out to the car,

"Let's get home"


After I gave Cason a bath and we were both in pajamas, we got the cookies together and put them in the oven,

"What should we do while we wait?" I asked,

"Pway wif twucks" he shrugged. I nodded and followed him to where I kept a little bucket of toys for him. I bought some of them but others are ones he's left here.

Cason pulled out two different monster trucks and handed me one of them. I started rolling my truck and crashed into Cason's, making Cason gasp,

"I got you" I laughed,

"Nuh-uh" Cason laughed and rammed his truck into mine, "I get you"

We went back and forth like that until the oven went off. I got up and walked into the kitchen, taking the cookies out and letting them cool. Once they were cool, I filled Cason's sippy cup and grabbed two cookies then made my way back into my living area.

"Tank you" Cason spoke as I handed him his sippy cup and cookie,

"You're welcome buddy" I smiled but watched a yawn fall from his lips, "How about we get ready for bed after"

Cason nodded,

"I sweep wif you Ashy?" he asked, his lips pouted,

"Sure Cas Cas" I smiled.


Cason and I settled into bed fairly early. Of course, I made sure he took his medicine and his vitamins before. I could tell he was sleepy. He curled up to my side and held onto my arm as I pulled the covers up on us,

"Ashy?" his little voice spoke, "You my dad now? Mommy say you wike one"

"I'm kinda like your dad, yeah. I will always care for and love you like a dad, and I will always be here for you"  I assured, "I will be the best dad for you and to you"

"I wike you as my dad" he spoke with more of a whisper. My heart was swelling and I could feel my eyes filling with tears,

"I love you Cas" I smiled and kissed his head,

"I wove you Daddy"

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