"Maybe you should think this through more. I mean when you think about, the second time Ladybug ever appeared, Chloe was held captive by Stoneheart. Then on Adrien's birthday, Chloe was right there when Ladybug showed up. She couldn't have been in more places than one."

"(Y/n)'s right, you know."

"Maybe but this is the best I got. Make sure you guys get to school early. I'll go over my plan with you." Alya said, running off towards Marinette's house. (Y/n) and Nino sighed, clear that once Alya set her mind to something, there was no going back. No matter the reasoning presented to her and for now, they just had to roll with it.

Though Nino couldn't help but notice the downturned expression settling on (Y/n) as she laid her head on his shoulder. Everyone knew she'd been acting a bit weird today; far quieter than she normally was, always dazed in class, stuttering over herself when called on. It just wasn't how she normally was. Maybe moments ago everything seemed like it was fine, but Nino could see now something was troubling her. And it pained him to see it, he wasn't quite sure why it did. Or why her felt butterflies burst in his stomach every time he saw her. Or why he felt a rush of joy, like his entire world was transforming before his eyes into vibrant colors, when their eyes met. Nothing really got Nino like this unless it was one of his gigs, jamming out on his board, being free while everyone else came alive and danced along to it. So he just had to ask, no matter the nerves he felt.

"Hey, is everything alright?"

"Am I that obvious?"


"And I thought I was better at hiding my emotions. I guess those years of practice really fell through." (Y/n) said, dryly laughing about it. Not like it was really a joke in the first place, she just wasn't used to being real to others besides Stagg, sort of with Master Fu, and of course him. He could always see through her act, at least when things weren't as they were now. "Sorry, it's probably isn't the best time to joke around...I just couldn't help it. Call it a habit."

"Then, what's going on? You know, if you don't mind me asking."

"I'm not ready to go too deeply into it but a few months ago, I was living in New York. Things were going good for a change until something happened to someone I really care for. I blamed myself for it and I wasn't the only who blamed me either. Stuff happened, things were said and it ended with me here in Paris. I love it here, it's always been my home but yesterday, it just really hit hard."

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Don't be. I try my best not to think about it. It was just a catalyst of things to come. I'm working through it bit by bit, some days are just harder than others." (Y/n) said, relaxing a bit more into Nino. Even if she wasn't disclosing the full story, it was nice to get off her chest to someone other than Stagg. It was definitely a big step, like someone once told her. But she was a bit surprised to feel Nino's arm wrap around her, nurturing her closer. She could feel his comforting heat, letting her know that it would be fine like Stagg always liked to remind her.

"If you ever want to talk about it more, I'll be here. I'll do whatever you need me to." The simple gesture brought a smile to her face, a genuine smile with nothing hidden behind. She really needed this.


So many thoughts run through (Y/n)'s head as her feet pound against the ground. Her heart almost exploding in her chest at the speed she's running at, hoping things would still be fine by the time she gets to the hotel. She knew she should have stopped Alya, tried to convince her otherwise again or something. Or at least not shown up late of all days. Maybe then Alya might not have been akumatized.

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