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Y/n finally gave in and slept in Chiaki's bed. Safe to say it was the best sleep she's ever had in her life, Monokuma was not joking when he named this the deluxe room. Maybe it was the fact Chiaki was snuggled in her blankets next to her, who knows?

She lifts herself up out of bed and rubs her eyes, she glances over and sees Chiaki still sleeping, so it's time. She has a simple plan, go the the Final Dead Room, get the Ultimate Weapon and.. well, kill herself with it. If nobody dies soon, everyone will starve to death, but if someone is killed, two people will die.. or the entire group except one. This way, only one person has to die. It might sound drastic.. but it's what has to be done.

She caught sight of the lounge clock on her way down, and she saw the time was around 4am. Nobody will be awake for ages. Y/n walks down to the elevator and into the Strawberry House. Luckily none of the boys are awake there either, so she can enter the room without any trouble, and she does. Nothing stops her from pushing open the double doors, a clown face painted on them as a creepy decoration. Inside is a grotty looking room, weird puzzles scattered around everywhere.

"An escape room. Not sure how this is life threatening." Y/n mumbles.

It takes almost an hour for her to complete it, but she does. She looks towards the door, expecting it to open, but it doesn't. A small platform mechanically whirrs as it rises up, revealing a revolver. This is the life threatening game. Russian roulette.

Y/n debates it. She planned on dying.. but when it's right in her face..


There's a tray of bullets next to the gun, she watches them as if they're gonna run away. It feels like they are. She feels like she's running out of time.


Her hand shakes as she reaches for one of the bullets, she slowly flicks the cylinder release and it pops out, showing six empty holes. The metal scrapes quietly as she drops the bullet into one of those holes, and it clicks as she pushes it back in, spinning it until she has no idea where the bullet is.


"Fuck." She breaths out, feeling the sweat on her forehead as she rakes her fingers back through her hair. No doubt she was scared, but it had to be done. It was too late.


In one quick movement, she shoves the barrel of the gun up to her head, digging into her scalp. She holds her finger on the trigger, the longer she holds it, the more her hand starts to shake. Then..


She immediately drops the gun on the floor and exhales. The door in front of her unlocks and she has to take a moment to breathe before going in.

Inside is a sort of hallway that wraps around itself, so many different weapons lined up on the walls and floors. It's slightly overwhelming.

"Congratulations, Y/n! Congratulations on clearing the Final Dead Room!" Monokuma's already waiting for her outside.

"..." She doesn't respond.

"Well, uh, this is kinda awkward.. I don't have a prize to give you, since I already gave everyone the first page of your student file.. I just threw away the rest. But I can give you the others!"

The adrenaline from the Russian roulette starts to wear off, and the hunger kicks in. Her mind starts to rationalise itself. This was a mistake. When she had that gun up to her head, she didn't want to die. Not now. Not when..

"I.. I don't want that.. I wanna go back.." Her energy drains quicker and quicker.

"..If you say so. Sure you don't want one measly weapon on your way out?" Monokuma pries.

"No.! Just.. where's the exit.!?"

"..Through the hatch there. Jeez.. no need to be so rude about it.."

She hurries and opens the hatch, dropping down into some sort of passage that lets her through to either house, she decides to go back to grape house. It's slightly embarrassing what happened, so who needs to know?

She creeps back into Chiaki's room at around 5am, she starts to calm down once she climbs back under the covers, soon falling back asleep and forgetting about everything that just happened.


"Y/n.. wake up." Chiaki shakes her shoulder and she blinks her eyes open.

"What.?" She says groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"We should probably get up now.. I looked at the clock and it's almost 7."

Y/n pauses and sits up. "..I don't know. What'll everyone say when they see us together.?"

"I'll explain it to them. Remember what I said last night? We'll fix it. I promise."

Y/n nods, and they both leave the room together, and when they go downstairs, they bump into Hajime.

"Y/n.? Is that you?" He looks skinner than ever, it's actually kind of scary. It's like he's about to drop dead any moment.

"Yeah.. I'm really sorry for lying. I was hoping I could explain myself.. I stopped doing that stuff a long time ago. It's not me anymore, so I'm sorry. That's really my last lie, I'm not hiding anything else."

"..Maybe we overreacted." Hajime sighs. "All you wanted to do was keep us safe.. I mean.. it's not even that big of a deal, Fuyuhiko's an actual crime lord, it was just a surprise. I'm sorry. Friends?"

Y/n smiles. "Friends. Now bring it in, big guy." She holds out her hand and he takes it, she pulls him in for a bro hug.

With lighter spirits, they all head into the grape tower.. just to be greeted by the body discovery announcement.

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