What, the, fuck.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Ella quizzed, raising her voice. And that's when I realised.

"Adrian." I stated. It wasn't a question, or an assumption I knew it was him. The second I mentioned his name Sandro glanced down.

I'm gonna kill him.

"No, I got it from sparring." He was lying, for one he was fiddling with his rings, he didn't look us in the eyes, and I saw how his body tense the second he said it. He probably feels guilty for lying.

"You're fucking lying, give me a gun" Ella demanded, holding her hand out.

This girl.

"I'm not joking." She said quirking her eyebrow. She was now standing directly in front of Sandro, they were having a staring contest.

"I'm not giving you a gun bella"

"Unless you want another black eye I suggest you give me a fuc- Arya had saved the day by dragging Ella away. She truly looked crazy. We all listened to her voice fade, she continued screaming about how she wanted a gun, and how they should start planning Adrian's funeral now.

Funny thing is, I don't think anybody would attend.


"There's nothing to explain Alessia, things got out of hand, punches were thrown. That's it."

"Who the fuck does he think he is?"

"That's the thing, he doesn't think." Sandro defended.

Why's he defending him.

"He's also the leader to one of the strongest mafias in the world, he's pretty untouchable." Marco added, stuffing his faces with waffles.

"I touched him." I said shrugging my shoulders. They both turned to me raising their  eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, "Not like that you freaks. I mean I literally cut him and he didn't do shit." I declared, getting waffles of my own.

"That's cause you walked out before he could do anything." Sandro replied.

"He easily could of came after me, but he didn't." I remarked, pouring a shit tun of chocolate spread on my waffles.

He sighed in defeat, "true." He muttered.

We heard footsteps and in came in Arya, Ella walking close behind her, glaring at the floor.

"We've calmed down." Arya claimed, they both sat on the stools and reached for the waffles. Arya thanking Sandro for both her and Ella.
Arabella had her elbows and the counter and her head in her hands.

We jumped as she slammed her firsts down.


[This is set just as Alessia stormed out of the living room]

T h i r d   p o v:
Alessia was testing Adrian's self control. He needed, wanted, to listen to Alessia's cry's for help but he's wasn't that cruel, he wouldn't do that to Marco.

"You deserved it why do you look so shocked?" Hatred was laced on Arabellas voice, she itched for Sandro to just pull out his gun, that was poking out of his waistline, and to shoot Adrian right in his head. She couldn't wrap her head around why the two, Alessia and Adrian, hated each other so much, but either way she was going to stick up for Alessia.

Within seconds Adrian had pulled out his own gun and pointed it directly at Arabellas head. Arya cowered behind her, and the boys froze. Adrian ached to have blood on his hands, Marco warned him not to harm his sister, he said nothing about her friends. Arabella stared at the gun with wide eyes, she quickly covered her surprise up, never show fear.

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