Chapter 2

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Look i know everyone says that "college is the shit" and all that but it's really not "it". My alarm woke me up at 6:45 am, as I have a lecture at 7:30 am. Now i know it's not that big of a step up, waking up wise as i woke up at 7:15 am to get on the bus at 8:00 am. I need my beauty sleep, and with college parties, there will be less. So it's a big change. Fortunately last night there were no parties, or none from what i could hear. I'm a pretty deep sleeper, which is known as i have 4 different alarms numerous minutes apart from each other. But anyway when you add in the workload of college it's a big step up from the workload in high school, and you have to support yourself by finding a job. To me college is just more stressful, yet in my defence i have yet to find anything fun to possibly so. Not that I'd have any time.

I went and hopped in the shower, whilst washing my hair. I need to do it quietly as my roomie is till sleeping. God it feels weird to have a roomie! She told me not to wake her last night as she went t bed as she has afternoon classes today. Unfortunately for me, mine are morning ones. Although doing something substantial like this before lunch always makes me feel good about myself, and it leaves more time for studying and finding a job.

I quickly got ready and headed out the door with my hair still damp, as I didn't want to use the blow dryer and wake Madeline up. I'd be furious if someone did that to me.

I had 10 minutes to reach the class, but it was only 2 minutes away. Today is far has been perfect! And the fact i have a class on my main subject - greek mythology makes it even better.

I took greek mythology, marine biology and chemistry. Don't get me wrong it's an odd choice but it's what I hated to do and so i decided to take the risk, seeing as the scholarship was a blessing in disguise. Why not?

As i found my class, I prepared myself to enter. I looked through the window and only saw one half of the class room, yet saw plenty of empty seats away from other people, that I could sit in. I was feeling on top of the work, with a tad of confidence in my step as i walked into the class beelining for the seat i chose as i entered the class. But it was like my luck had ran out and if possible the sound of a stereo scratching could be heard as what i saw stopped the pep in my step.

I saw the guy from yesterday waving like a maniac. He was drawing all kinds of attention. I looked behind me to see who he was waving at, to let them through but there was no one. People were starting to turn heads now, so before i could think properly i walked over to him and sat nex tot him in order to stop the eyes that were looking at me and him

I immediately regretted it. It's like his aura sucked the whole summertime sun out of the area we were in. Creepy
"Why did you do that?" I asked annoyed

"Because you looked lost, so I helped you, you're welcome." He replied cheekily

"I didn't need help, there are plenty of seats free" I argue. It's true. There are only around 40 students in our class

"Maybe but you decided to sit with me. You just can't get enough of me can you? I'm a real catch you know" he says obnoxiously

"You're very full of yourself I hope you know that. I came over to save you from embarrassment of being left hanging. And I think I've had enough of you already. So much so that if I was bleeding out I wouldn't ask you for help." I replied and silently waited for a response but none came, so I started overthinking, does he hate me now? Damn it I'm gonna have to apologise. I hate being wrong or too mean.
"Damn, I'm sorry that was harsh. I didn't mean it like that" i added hastily trying to mend whatever thing we had going on. He's the closest thing i have to a friend apart from my roomie. But roomies kinda have to be each other's friends or both of their college experiences will such. Well, in my opinion and form the movies I've watched.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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