Chapter 49: Emerald Sustrai

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Emerald had failed Cinder. But she couldn't focus on that right now. Emerald, Mercury and Toga were in the heat of battle, slicing through students. Cinder hadn't reappeared. Emerald was very worried. But when the heroes appeared, the group of villains hid in the stands where Mercury had been. They heard a group of heroes outside, wondering if someone might be in with them. Toga took off, leaving Emerald and Mercury to follow. They heard the door open. Emerald looked back to see Ryukyu and Best Jeanist. They sped up, but Best Jeanist was slowing them down. Emerald stopped and turned to give Best Jeanist a hallucination of the three of them being captured by him. As Best Jeanist stopped, Emerald ran off again. Ryukyu shook Best Jeanist out of it, but not before the trio got out of sight. They were unsure where to go. Emerald just wanted to get to Cinder. Then she heard Toga cough.

"Shush!" Emerald whispered, before coughing herself.

The three started coughing, and black stuff came out of their mouths. The two heroes found them, but the black stuff enveloped them, and they appeared in a dark room. Shigaraki, Dabi, Spinner, Stain, Mr. Compress, and Twice appeared with them. Cinder appeared on the other side of them. Cinder was missing an arm and her face was covered in blood. Emerald ran over to her and began to try and clean off her face. Torchwick and Neo were nowhere to be seen.

"What is this place?" Spinner asked.

Someone entered the room from the side. It was All for One, but Emerald was too focused on Cinder to give him her attention.

"You did very well today." All For One stated.

"But master... I didn't get the boy's power." Shigaraki said miserably.

"Yes, we'll have to continue to work on that. However, you've fulfilled a greater purpose."

The room disappeared into nothingness and the villains were suddenly standing in a familiar hallway.

"How did you know about this place?" Mercury asked. "She assured us this was an anonymous deal."

"She asked me here." responded All for One. "She learned of my motives and concluded that we should combine our goals."

Emerald felt her stomach twist. She already hated working for Cinder's master. Now there really was no escape.

"Shigaraki, meet Salem."

The doors opened to the balcony. The dark crystals decorating the castle emitted a faint purple glow. Salem stood with her back to them, her white hair in an elaborate updo and wearing a black cloak. She turned to face them, her deathly white skin glowing in the red sunset. Her skin had bright red vein lines, like Grimm. There was a black diamond mark on her forehead. Her eyes had a jet-black sclera and the irises glowed crimson. Emerald felt a stab of fear go through her. Salem was one of, if not the, most terrifying thing Emerald had ever laid eyes on. She was thousands of years old, an immortal that had walked the earth with gods. She controlled all Grimm, creating them herself and sending them off to do her bidding. Emerald glanced at the others. Mercury was like Emerald, scared yet familiar with the witch. The others were terrified, pressing themselves against the now closed doors. Salem smirked, enjoying their fear.

"Fear not. As of now, we are allies." She said calmly.

This didn't exactly reassure any of the newcomers, but it was enough to stop them from cowering in fear. Salem walked over and looked at Cinder.

"Poor thing. I never thought Ozma would enroll a girl simply for silver eyes. Shameful."

She reached out her arms, and Emerald nervously handed Cinder over. Denying Salem would be suicidal. Cinder glowed for a moment.

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