Chapter 47: Fumikage Tokoyami

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Tokoyami and Ruby landed the last plane. The barrier hadn't let the planes through. The two of them flew onto the roof, planning to evaluate the battle and jump in. Tokoyami looked down to see there were still several corrupt paladins fighting the students. The hole in the ground was still letting in Grimm. The league of villains was there as well, and Tokoyami saw Midoriya trying to fight Shigaraki.

"Should we tackle the paladins or the villains?" Tokoyami asked.

"The pala- wait!" Ruby pointed across the roof.

Tokoyami looked up to see Pyrrha on her knees with one of the Haven students pointing a bow at her.

"Pyrrha!" Ruby yelled.

Ruby and Tokoyami flew over to Pyrrha, but when they arrived, it was too late. Pyrrha had an arrow in her heart. Tokoyami felt dark shadow trying to go crazy, but it was too bright. The sun had just started to set, but there was a silver light coming from Ruby. Ruby screamed, and a silver light enveloped everything. Tokoyami could hear the archer yell out in pain. When the light faded, Ruby was unconscious, and the archer was gone. Tokoyami took the two girls down to the arena and found Recovery Girl. The arrow shaft had broken out, so there was almost no way to remove it. Tokoyami had to leave to go back to the battle. The Grimm weren't coming out of the opening anymore. Tokoyami used dark shadow to destroy a paladin. He then saw Tsu jumping over to him.

"Tokoyami!" Tsu exclaimed.

"Tsu! What are you doing?" Tokoyami asked.

"It's Ida! He... he tried to fight Stain but then one of the Haven students..." She trailed off.

"One of the Haven students shot Pyrrha in the chest." Tokoyami informed her.

"I don't think it's Haven, I think Haven was infiltrated." Tsu said, looking back.

Uraraka walked out from a piece of rubble holding Ida.

"He... didn't make it." Tsu said, starting to cry.

Tokoyami hugged Tsu. But then he felt his control over dark shadow break, and he pulled back as he was enveloped. Dark shadow began to tear up the remaining paladins. The students got out of the way, and Tokoyami did his best to steer dark shadow to the villains. He saw Moonfish fly into the wall and be captured by Professor Goodwitch. Then there was a burst of blue flame and dark shadow shrunk. Tokoyami tumbled behind a large rock that stopped him from burning alive. Tokoyami saw Todoroki a few feet away. He crawled over.

"You good?" Tokoyami asked.

"Not really." Todoroki replied.

"Makes sense."

"His fire's way hotter than mine."

"That's not good."

"I think I might need help from someone."

"Dark shadow won't do much against fire."

"Yeah. And most people are busy with injuries or helping people or fighting."

"There are some girls trying to let the heroes in, but I'm not sure how they're going to do it."

"I hope they get here soon."

"Where's Midoriya?"

"Shigaraki is going after him. Last I saw he was doing okay."

"What about Bakugou?"

"He was fighting Dabi with me, then all of a sudden, he almost passed out and had to bail. He's over there."

Todoroki pointed across the arena.

"I'll see if there's anything I can do."

Tokoyami slunk off to try and find people. He found Setsuna Tokage trying to get Yaoyorozu and Kendo out of a pile of rubble. Tokoyami assisted. Both girls were fine, and Tokoyami asked if any of them would be willing to help. Tokage went to find Midoriya, Kendo ran to get Bakugou, and Yaoyorozu went to help Todoroki. He then continued on to find Weiss and Kirishima. They both went to fight Dabi. Tokoyami decided to check and see if the barrier was open yet. He flew off and landed next to the barrier. He saw the four girls from the tournament desperately trying to expand a small hole. They were tearing at it desperately, trying to avoid the acid inside.

"They don't mess around with security." One of them said, recoiling from a splash.

"Would you like help?" Tokoyami asked.

The girls nodded. Dark shadow appeared and began to tear the wall, being unaffected by the acid. The girls helped, using their weapons to cut it up. After a moment, they broke through to the outside, still a small hole.

"Hello?" One of the girls, Nebula, yelled.

"Hello?" Someone responded. "Who are you?"

"Nebula Violette. We're trying to get out and let you in."

"Back up." The person responded.

They did so, and a blast of fire widened the hole. Endeavor stuck his head in.

"Is Shoto okay?" He asked.

"He's fine." Tokoyami answered.

Hawks pushed Endeavor away and his feathers started to make the hole big enough for the cavalry to arrive.

"Nice to see you again, Tokoyami."

Tokoyami nodded.

Gwen and Octavia took their own blades and sped up the process. Finally, Hawks got in. One at a time, the heroes started to get in and take off to the arena. The five students went with them.

"We need to fight." Tokoyami said.

"No. We should start to evacuate students." said Gwen. "The injured people that can't fight anymore."

The rest of the group agreed, and Tokoyami sighed. When they made it into the arena, they went straight to the infirmary tent. Several students were stationed outside, and let them in. Ciel Soleil was in the middle, slowing down several students' lethal injuries to give Recovery Girl more time to treat everyone. The five started to haul out stretchers of students that didn't need immediate help. Ruby, Shiozaki, Honenuki, and Shoda were the first to be moved out. They came back for Nora, Ren, and some students from other schools Tokoyami didn't know. Soon, the tent had room for more people that needed the most help.

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