Chapter 7: Drama Day

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"If I is finally coming out today, I can't believe it," Yunjin said as she laid on her bed. "Right, I can't believe it's been so long since we filmed it too," Jay responded. "Please tell me why we're going to watch the drama we filmed?" Heeseung groaned from the floor.

"You've been friends with us for so long and you still ask that question?" Yunjin sassed. "Hyung, we've watched every drama and movie that we've acted in before If I even came out." Jay chuckled. Heeseung slightly pouted and looked away, Jay's voice always made his stomach flip.

"I know, we're not gonna binge the whole thing when it comes out, right?" Heeseung unsurely asked, he saw Yunjin and Jay exchange looks and laughed. "I don't like where this is going," he muttered. "We're not gonna binge it in a day, obviously. We have interviews and schedules to do. Maybe a few every weekend when we're free." Yunjin told him.

"Ah right, I forgot we had schedules tomorrow," Jay said, laying beside Yunjin on her bed. "Next time we have a sleepover at your place, I'm stealing your bed," He told the older girl, "Fuck off, Seong. This is my house," She laughed, trying to push him off her bed.

"Please do couple stuff when I'm not here please," Heeseung told them, making them stop and stare at him. They shared a look and laughed again, "Why? Are you jealous, lover boy?" Yunjin teased, Heeseung looked away from both of them, muttering "No, I'm not!"

He heard them laugh before Jay spoke, "We're not dating, Hyung. You can have her if you're interested." Then he heard Yunjin hit him with a pillow. "I'm just saying!" he protested. "I don't know, it's that you two act like how a couple would... So, yeah, just that. And I don't like Yunjin either."

"Hey! I'm quite hurt, I thought I was your friend," Heeseung rolled his eyes, "Not like that, I don't like you romantically."

"Do you think people can finish the drama in a day?" Jay asked, switching to another topic, Yunjin hummed. "Well, let's see... There are 22 episodes and they're around an hour each, meaning if it was an hour each it would be 22 hours and that is less than a day, so unless you don't sleep for a good 24 hours, I doubt it."

Jay frowned, "Who would use their phone while showering or taking a bath?" he asked, "Unless they're insane, no one. Which was why I said 22 hours excluding the other things they'd do." Yunjin smiled.

"I can't watch anything longer than 5 hours straight, and that's the most I can last," Jay complained. "I don't even watch anything for more than 2 hours..." Heeseung replied. "Losers, I once binged a whole series in a day."

Heeseung looked at her, "And how long did that take you?" Yunjin thought for a bit before replying, "Around 13 hours I guess." she shrugged. "I'm not really sure since it's been a while I've binged a whole series in a day."

"By yourself, you make us watch a bunch of things with you." Heeseung said, "Exactly, that's the benefit of being friends of Huh Yunjin," she smiled.

"What a very nice benefit, I feel like you know every drama to be released, it could be wrong but doesn't sound impossible." Yunjin threw a pillow at Heeseung, "Bold of you to assume I know everything like I'm google." she snickered.

"Guys," Jay's voice interrupted the bickering, "When are we gonna get something to eat?" he asked, "Well, I'm not sure yet, I mean we could go in a few minutes?" Yunjin answered and looked at Heeseung, "Fine with me, honestly,"

"Since our baby maknae is hungry, you get the honors to choose dinner," she pat his cheek. "Noona, stop calling me that, There's not even a big age difference."

Yunjin thought for a moment before quickly replying, "I refuse," Jay groaned and went to get his stuff, "And that's why hyung's my favorite," he rolled his eyes, Yunjin gasped, looking offended before she squinted and smiled, "Oh really?"

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