Chapter 4: Night calls and Coffee

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It was already evening when he got a call from kakaotalk, it was unexpected but either way, he answered when he saw the chat name.

"Good evening gentlemen, have I interrupted you guys on anything?" Yunjin asked as Heeseun leaned the phone against the wall as he grabbed a cup from the cupboard. "well, you did interrupt my thoughts on if I should call my father or not, so that's very rude of you, Huh Yunjin!" Jay answered.

"You were thinking, not on a call so that doesn't count as interrupting you. And it's Yunjin noona for you!" Heeseung could see her roll her eyes as he grabbed a spoon. "Heeseung-ssi! What are you making?" Yunjin asked. "Uh deciding on coffee or chocolate actually," Heeseung answered, pouring hot water into the cup. "I say settle for chocolate!"

"I also agree with noona for once." Heeseung chuckled lightly as he grabbed the bottle of chocolate powder. "So why exactly did you call us?" Heeseung asked as he opened the bottle, "Well, I was going to text but then I realized it's going to be a lot so yes, a call is the last option." she explained. "So yes, I watched moonwalker, and I will be stanning highlight now," Yunjin announced.

"At first I was going to say, Hey Jay! I'm stealing your bias but then I realized I don't even know his bias! but either way, I do now have a liking to one of the members." Yunjin smiled. "Oh my god, you terrify me. What if you actually end up biasing the same person as me? I mean I do not mind but the way you say it terrifies me." Jay said, Heeseung couldn't see his reaction as the younger was out of frame.

"Too bad! But where even are you!?" Yunjin asked, steering the straw from her drink. "Finding a book, continue your speech, I can hear you," Jay answered as the sound of things hitting something made out of wood could be heard.

"Alright! So, yes the person whom I will now be biasing is The8. Is that your bias, Seong-ah?" Yunjin asked, "Uh, nope. It's Hoshi, Nice bias though." Jay replied as the noises from his side continued. "Aww, man! Guess there's no more beefing about having the same bias!" Yunjin joked, "So Heeseung, what about you? Who's your bias?"

"Uh, I don't have one. I like them all the same," Heeseung murmured as he steered his spoon. "Well that was easy, I heard The8's having a solo song out soon." they heard Jay at Yunjin's words. "I did too, music video teasers soon," Jay answered. "How long are you going to take? and what book is it?" Yunjin asked.

"Uh, it's a photo binder full of my family's pictures. My mum texted me to find it a while before you called. And the other... is um, a book." Jay explained. "Ah, I have one on my bedroom desk! It was full of our pictures when I was around 8 and 12. We took a lot of pictures back then. And the other book, what kind is it?"

"Storybook, fantasy and kingdom sort of," Jay explained. "Ah, is it the one you read today?" Heeseung asked, joining the conversation once again. "No no, it's another one. This one has magic while the other one was a soulmate alternative." Jay explained as they could see him put a photobook onto his bed. "Ah I see," Yunjin murmured, a notification caught his attention,

Mom: Are you free to talk with me?

"Um, hey guys, can I leave the call? My mum wants to call." Heeseung told them. "There's nothing serious that you want to talk about, is there?" "There isn't, and no need to be so polite. Heeseung-ah. Tell her we said hi though!" Yunjin smiled at him. "Say the same for me! We can call some other time if you wanna join," Jay's head came in frame as he smiled.

"Thanks, and I'll tell her." Heeseung smiled and left the call, he went to his mother's chat and pressed the call button. He watched it ring a few times as he took a sip from his drink.

"Heeseung! I haven't seen you in a while, you look more handsome!" His mother said with a smile as soon as she saw her. "Mom, you always say this!" Heeseung whined, feeling embarrassed. "Oh sweetie, I'm not lying. I just feel so proud whenever I see you, either on tv, the news, social media, magazines, or posters!" his mother stated. "And I hope I didn't disturb you!"

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