"If you both weren't so stubborn then...."

"For the love of God Nix will you just drop it?" Dick snapped, turning to Nix in exasperation, "this is neither the time nor the place for such ridiculous...."

Dick's rant was cut off by the eerily familiar sound of the German planes approaching. He leaned out over the barricade and watched on in horror as the planes bypassed Uden and dropped their payload on Veghel. He raised his binoculars once again and observed as the German tanks arranged themselves around the other town. 

"Holy shit," Nix gasped as the tanks opened fire with a deadly vengeance. Dick didn't respond, unable to speak around the thick knot that had formed in his throat. "Ideally we could send them some reinforcement," Nix murmured.

"But we can't," Dick whispered in defeat, his heart sinking at the truth of it. They didn't have enough men in Uden to send reinforcements and also hold the town, so his hands were truly tied. No further words passed between Dick and Nix for what felt like hours as they watched the most intense display of firepower they'd seen since they'd landed in Europe.

"I really hope they managed to take cover," Dick murmured into the thick silence. Darkness had begun to fall, but the tanks were relentless in their barage. Dick absently noted that his knuckles were white from how tight he was gripping the balcony railing, but he found he was unable to unclench them from around the cool metal.

"Yeah," Nix sighed, lighting a cigarette with shaky hands, "you and me....shit!" They both leaped back from the railing in surprise as a bullet whizzed past their ears and pinged off of the bell behind them. "Great," Nix cursed as another bullet flew into the tower, "looks like we've lost our spot to a sniper."

They rushed towards the stairs of the tower and took the steps down two at a time, the clanging of the bell ringing in their ears. "Dropped my damn cigarette up there," Nix huffed once they were a safe distance from the tower, "couldn't he have waited 'till I'd finished my goddamn smoke at least?"

Dick couldn't help but laugh at Nix and his usual ridiculousness, but he quickly sobered up again as he heard the distant sound of the tanks beginning their barrage on Veghel once more. The adrenaline of fleeing from the bell tower had begun to wear off, only to be replaced by the sinking feeling of worry and dread for their friends in the other town.

"Careful or you'll give yourself frown lines," Nix commented, unable to ignore the unease on Dick's face.

"I think I'm well beyond the point of avoiding them by now," Dick sighed, folding his arms across his chest, "anyway I need to check on the road blocks and everything else, I'll see you back at CP later." Nix tried to stop him from leaving but Dick ignored his protests. He couldn't afford to stand about and be idle. He had to make sure everything was in order. He had to keep himself busy because if he didn't he'd be swallowed by the knot of dread that was clawing at his insides.

Unfortunately keeping busy didn't nothing to soothe his fraying nerves, in fact it only made him all the more stressed. The British tank on the northwest roadblock had been left unattended, and when the stray Lieutenant had the cheek to ask him if his tank was still there, Dick couldn't keep his temper in check.

"Perhaps you would know that if you were manning it like you're supposed to be Lieutenant." he snapped, his eyes narrowing dangerously, "I suggest you return to it now, or you'll be having a court martial on your hands." The Lieutenant in question scrambled to his feet and rushed out the door without a backwards glance, mumbling his apologies to Dick as he passed. After attempting to apologise to the Dutch woman who'd been serving dinner, Dick swiftly exited the house and went in search of Harry and his men.

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