Chapter 43: Beast Sanctuary Mountain

Start from the beginning

"Wha...what is this? You had been climbing the Blade Mountain with them for the entire time?"

Under her breath, she scolded him multiple times, "Dummy... suicidal dummy..."

The speed which she muttered would make a voodoo master blush in shame. She struggled to remove his training great, and as each cuff fell to the ground, there was a respectable tremor followed by a small dust mushroom.

"ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF? If you wanna die, you don't need to climb anymore, I'll help you right now!"

"But, It... it speeds up my training."

The heiress apparent of the Autumn Blossom family clutched her chest in pain. Fortunately, she had beyond human self-discipline and managed to stop from spurting out mouthfuls of blood. Nevertheless, she could feel her intelligence pummel.

Granted, she was the one telling him to trust his brothers, but ... this kind of training? Seriously?

Unbeknownst to them, Kairos and his brothers were hidden nearby all these while. Despite the apparent scares Tommy faced while scaling up and down, their group were ready to bolt towards him anytime a real danger occurred, but as long as he could manage, they will not move.

Because if he knew of their presence, he would only lose his fighting spirit and form a sort of reliance towards them. Or worse.

This type of training requires not just the strengthening of one's flesh, it is even more vital to polish his willpower and Tommy needed to break through on his own. Without at least this much, to attain a post-latent superior constitution is impossible.

Truthfully, many times, it was even harder for the group to see his hardships, than Tommy who experienced it. When he drank the potion, the guys almost couldn't stop themselves from crashing the party. Even if he lost all his chance to return to his former cultivation, they want to save his life. Despite knowing he would hate them for stepping in and destroying his future, they wouldn't want to let him die.

He might call them self-centred, and they will all accept the criticism without a word, but they rather stop him for selfish reasons than letting him die for his dreams.

Don't think that this is an exaggeration. A cultivator's determination is nothing to scoff at. Once set upon a path, one could devote every fibre of their being towards a goal. If Tommy had encountered a problem and realised that his friends were there to be his safety net, his progress would be destroyed. In the future, whenever he faces a deadly challenge, his first reaction would be to shrink away.

A moment of weakness causes fears to seep into one's soul like an incurable poison.

Fortunately, they curbed their desires, not because they managed to stop themselves, but no matter how fast they are, it's impossible to scale the mountain in time to help. If Tommy had fallen off a cliff or encountered other dangers, they are more than able to assist, but doing something suicidal like drinking an explosive potion... even gods will find it difficult to save him.

The sweat that fell from their foreheads was more than Tommy's who was tortured by the pain. They shuddered involuntarily in relief when everything turned out fine, though they now seriously questioned their friend's general knowledge.

"Even kids would know not to eat strange stuff...!"

Seeing that the worst had passed, Kairos secretly led the guys back to the dorm. Anything more and their hearts will collapse from the thrills... Besides, they couldn't stay here indefinitely while they have classes to go.

Later that day, after Snow made sure that the drake's blood had not left any lasting damage in his body, Tommy promptly returned to climbing the mountain, determined to scale the flat boulder at the peak without any martial cultivation.

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