36. Cafe

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Siddharth's Pov :

Well whomever's team you might be on I will still support Avu. I am On team A duh-

"Siddharth fucking nigam can please calm your voice down- My poor eardrums are gonna blast" Jai shouted at me, whatever do I look like a give a shit absolutely no. I just glared at him and continued to look at my angel in disguise

Damn- looks like I again missed half of the fun now if I don't shut up I will miss everything so now byeee...

" You are right, so plzz shut your mouth siddharth " Vaishu di literally begged me,
I just frowned and looked at my new source of entertainment but but hey 😭😭 looks like it's over and nobody is in sight except for me and my friends and wait a minute even half of my gang is missing. It's only me, Vaishu di, Poyaz I mean Riyaz, Jai and none others.

Did the match end so quickly,
I felt a smack on my head and looked up at di with a innocent look, she just signed

Vaishu :- "That's what we were trying to tell you, it was looking like that duo were about to rip rit's to tiny pieces but just then the dean came saving the day with his old ass, And informed about some surprise trip that's we are gonna take place in a few days, he didn't give much details about it and gave us a few days off " Di explained to me

Jai :- And that's probably the only best thing the old man has ever done till now with his stinky ass😬

Rii :- I have a question🙋

Sid :- Go on..

Rii :- Jai, How did you know, the old man had a stinky ass🤢 wait don't tell me you developed a crush on him and decided to cheat with reem

Sid :- And You turned into a gay and were having nooo.. Doing naughty naughty with him 😳

Vaishu :- 😐These idiots I swear

Vaishu di pulled our ears and took us to home and wanna know a secret🤫
Nothing much just like always Riyaz had to be hungry at this time out of all the time in the world.


Fucking Always it always has to be them right? Why can't I ever get a break from her, the scene in front of me made me a mad man, I thought we had something going on between us but had to break it right?

Avu :- Why do You have to go again, I don't want you to go. Please Stay

Vikku :- Hey come here kidoo, I know it's hard for you but I won't be gone for a long time. I will be away only for 3 days that's it. Well look's like my girl can't even stay away a few hours away from me

Pikku I mean tikku oh no I mean Vikku, Said giving Her a teasing look

Avu :- Only a few hours you idiot, Wth duh!! It's 72 hours, 4320 Minutes for your kind information

She replied giving him a pissed off look
Damn- I am so fucking Jealous
We have been away for more than 45 hecking days and that makes up like 1080 hours and 64800mintues and to be more specific 3888000 seconds and all she cares is about him 😬
And a mere 72 hours away from Him?
Am I Invisible to Her or what?

Vikku :- I will be back before the trip starts, You know it's important baby

Babe- 😱
Did He just call My NEET a Baby, She is Only Baby and Will be My Babies Mommy and Not His, Haaaaa- I am Gonna cry now

Vikku :- Sorry Darling but I need to get going right now, byee take care and better behave yourself and-

Avu :- No Mischief, Don't get yourself in more trouble right?? I know you always say the same boring lines 😐

Vikku just chuckled ruffling her hairs, he kissed her forehead and moved out

Vikku :- I don't want to leave you alone, Sonia Maa said something about having a house here with her friend, Something like Nigam Mansion you are gonna stay there for the next few days till I am back. And I heard she is quite a lovely lady and I have already asked them and they said ok, Now byeeee

Vikku yelled and went off without even giving her a chance to explain anything. Avu just frowned looking like she would rather stay and settle in Hell than Here

But looks like god does love me
After all He sent her back to me even if it's only for a few days
My Another Chance

I won't loose My Girl to Someone like Him

So This is The Chapter Guy's..
How is it ??
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Another Chance at Love?
But Sidoo You don't even have to worry she is all yours 😂
See You all Soon With The Next Chapter... ☺🥰
Finally Getting a hang of the Story back
Imma Might give a weekly update
Till Then byee... byee 👏

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