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sebastian's pov
I fidgeted with the cigarette, gnawing on the filtered tip.

My mom always complained about my smoking habit, whining until my ears bled. I know it isn't ideal for your son to do so- inhaling toxins into your lungs and such- but it was something my father always did- not that perfectionist Demetrius- my real father.

When he was out in his workshop- occupying himself with god knows what- sometimes I'd escape my mother's bickering to watch him. I admired him, he always looked so badass! I seemed to inherit all his traits, so now when my mom and I stand next to each other in public, I can't go anywhere without hearing, "your son and you sure look different!"

My father would whip out a cigar, pull out his box of matches he always conveniently had, strike the wee stick upon the box, and a flame magically arose. Facing away from me, I could always recall the soft glow of red radiate on his jaw. It made little-me gawk in awe, and soon enough it caught on.

It made me feel closer to my dad, whever he may be.


Lurching forward, I spun around to see a face I wasnt expecting.


There she was, messily laid on the ground. Strands of colorful hair in her eyes, cheeks filled with her drunken manner. She was squinting through the darkness, searching until she laid her eyes upon me.

"Ugh, Sebastian? Did you see me fall?" Mae whined, she had tumbled to the grass where I had been sitting, sprawled about.

"That's what you're worried about? You just tripped off the steps and probably whacked your head hard on the ground..." I gasped, supporting her up to her knees.

"Mm, maybe I had one too many beers, huh?" Mae snickered, slurring over her words. I nodded in response, trying to focus on the wonder of the night rather than Mae's lovely presence right to my side. Although she was drunk and erratic, she still had an accent to her that's unusual to the typical girl- It's endearing, really.

"Hey Sebastian, do you hate me?" she quietly asked, looking down at the ground. She had readjusted herself so she was crouching next to me- inches apart.

Hate her? What made her think that?! Even the thought made me sick to my stomach.

"Huh? No, no, I don't hate you..." I mumbled uneasily, swiftly peeking at her, then looking back at my cigarette.

"What a relief..." she grinned, looking up at the sky.

Staring out beyond, the stars twinkled, scattering across the endless sky. The moon was sliced in half, viciously gleaming down on the town, generating the slightest bit of light allowing me to see Mae and all her glory. It almost seemed intimate to be seeing her in this state.

In my peripheral, I examined her. She was rummaging through her pocket until she gripped onto a carton- I later realized it was cigarettes.

"So you smoke too, eh?" I asked, tapping my cigar to bring attention to it. Microscopic pieces of ash glided in the air from the tip.

She silently nodded, shifting her head to me. I did the same, leading us to gaze at each other. Mae seemed so eerily complicated, there was something underlying from her cool, carefree personality I've learned to like.

Just then, clouded by my thoughts, she snatched the cigarette from my hands and inhaled. Eyes squinting, letting her head back, I watched as her shoulders loosened up. Next, she slowly lowered the bud, pursing her lips, trapping the vapor inside. I stared in utter shock, and lust.

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