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I saw robin and steve laughing and talking by the stairs, everyone was sleeping over at mike and I's house, to celebrate defeating Vecna. But so far, everyone's been celebrating but me. Mike and all of the younger kids are just watching movies and drinking soda's with lots of caffeine, to try and stay up all night, while everyone else was drinking alcohol and talking about how 'awesome' it was when we killed vecna.. I mentally rolled my eyes .

Steve and robin were really close lately, and to be honest i was kind of jealous. I mean who wouldn't.. Its Steve 'the hair' Harrington... I made a mistake all those years ago when i hurt him by telling him that i never loved him.. It was what i thought was the truth at the time, but now that i realize it... i loved him the whole time... still do..

"Nance?" "Nancy!" I heard, and it snapped me out of my thoughts. I was playing with my necklace when robin said, "Thank god.. I thought you had gotten taken by vecna again..

"Yeah.. no.. I just.. Zoned out." I said, trying not to snap at her.. She wasn't doing anything wrong, i was just really jealous at the moment. Then i pushed past them and went upstairs towards my room. I walked in and sat on my bed, writing in my diary..

Dear diary

We defeated Vecna last night, and are celebrating right now.

The little kids are watching movies, and drinking soda,

 while Steve and Robin are just laughing their asses off..

I don't know why i'm so jealous.. I mean steve's my ex... 

I guess i just really wish that i hadn't made that huge mistake all those years ago.

Who knows, maybe we would still be together if i didn't

I love him, i can't help it...

But life keeps getting in the way, and i think he's over me anyway...


Robin walked into my room and said, "Hey.. why were you acting so weird earlier?" I wanted to answer, but i couldn't bring myself to tell the truth..

"Oh.. i was just.. Really tired." I lied, closing my diary, so she couldn't see what i wrote. "Okay.. I just wanted to let you know, in case it was adding any tension between us.. Steve and I's friendship, is completely platonic." She said. "Good to know.." I replied, blandly, But on the inside i was screaming, and really excited that i might have a chance.

"Just.. one question before i tell you what im about to tell you.." Robin asked. "Do you have feelings for him."

"What! No! Of course not!" But my voice got really high pitched and anyone could have seen straight through that lie. Robin smirked and said. "Good, because he has a thing for you too." She said. "Really?" I asked and she nodded.

"Go talk to him" Robin said, and i shot up and ran downstairs, to see him in the kitchen. He was leaned against the counter, looking through his phone.

"Hey.." I said, sitting on the counter next to were he was leaning. "Hey Nance.." He replied. "So.. Robin.. Kind of.. Told me that.. You still have feelings for me." His face froze, and he looked really nervous. "She did, did she?" He said. "Yeah.. and.. I just.. Wanted to say.. I.. I still love you.." I managed.

His face turned soft and he said, "I will always love you nancy wheeler" And we shared a sweet kiss. "Aww!!" Robin, Dustin, and Eddie said, at the same time Mike and the others said, "Ewww! Get a room!" 

Stancy Oneshots!! ~StrangerThingsWhere stories live. Discover now