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A FULL MOON SHONE BRIGHTLY DOWN ON THE WINDING ROAD THROUGH A COVER OF THIN RAIN CLOUDS. The rain beat down on the roof of the car that currently held a sleeping girl and her mother. Boxes piled high in the back of car a reminder of the past the two had just left behind. As they turned a sharp corner, the sleeping girl's head hit the window with a soft 'thud.' An annoyed groan leaving her full lips as she glared at the older woman driving, her eyes shooting daggers at the woman who simply sighed.

     "your dirty looks don't faze me, Parker June."
The woman spoke, turning to briefly glance at her daughter. Parker, clearly unamused, rolled her deep brown eyes. Her mother had insisted on Parker's move back to the reservation. Back to her "roots" as her mother had called it. San Diego was home- not the rainy, dreary Quileute reservation. Since her father's death, Parker had been forced to follow along with her mother's grief recovery journey. A three page plan that the woman had written out- their new life. Truthfully, Parker found it all ever so annoying. But as she looked at her mother, she found the familiar joy seemingly returning to her eyes. A guilty pang hit the girl's chest as she sighed softly.
     "Does aunt Sue even want me around? I mean uncle Harry just—" Parker began, unable to form the words as she looked towards her mother who sighed softly. Life had been a living hell for Della Clearwater and Parker hadn't been making it any easier. She had lost her husband and her brother within the same year. A fact that Parker tried to keep in consideration when they had up and moved. "Your aunt sue needs you, park. We need her too. Besides, you can learn about your culture! Spend time with your cousins! You'll love it here, I promise." Her mother offered, her tanned hand taking her daughters in her own. "Please, baby, just try for me, ok?" She spoke, her eyes studying the girl next to her. Parker nodded and conceded. "Now get some more sleep, we are still six hours out and I'm going to need you to drive in the morning."

    As Parker closed her eyes, she could've sworn she heard something in the wind reminding her that everything happened for a reason. A blissful sleep overtook the girl as the night raced past the window. Her dreams were plagued with wolves and old Quileute stories she hadn't heard in years.

AS THE SUN PEAKED BARELY ABOVE THE WOODS CASTING A SOFT GRAY LIGHT, Parker found herself studying the road in front of her as she drove. Her mom slept in the passenger seat next to her. It had been twenty one hours on the road and Parker ached for the trip to end. Her wish would be soon granted as she pulled down a long dirt driveway, her eyes spotting an old truck and a house painted in a soft white. The paint was chipped but as they neared it, Parker could see the little hand prints covering the stones leading to the door. It seemed like a home, a real home.
Parker gently shook her mother as she put the car in park.
"Momma." She called gently, her voice soft as she took in the moment. Her mother looked so peaceful in the soft light and Parker almost regretted waking up the woman. However, a bright smile broke out on her mother's face as she realized where they were.
It was seven in the morning but the occupants of the Clearwater house were clearly awake.
As Parker opened the car door, she was greeted by an enthusiastic hello from her aunt. The older woman quickly crossing the muddy path to hug Parker.
Her Aunt Sue looked just as beautiful as the last time Parker had been in La Push. Sure, the girl had only been in the second grade, but Sue Clearwater had a grace about her that stood the test of time. As she pulled away, Parker found her infectious smile had spread to her own lips. As Sue turned to her mother, Parker looked past her aunt to the two teenagers on the porch. Both had grown up since she had last seen them. Leah, her older cousin by three years, had grown into long legs and high cheek bones. She was beautiful in her own right and Parker felt a tad intimidated by the woman. Seth, on the other hand, was all gangly limbs and bright smiles. The fourteen year old was clearly excited to have someone new around as he quickly approached the girl.
"Hey Parker! Welcome back! I haven't seen you in forever! Mom said you're going to be staying with us- super cool by the way- and I can't wait to show you around and introduce you to the pa- to the guys!" The boy quickly spoke earning a small chuckle from Parker who ruffled his hair. The boy began to open his mouth again but was cut off by his sister.
"You can put your stuff in my room, we will be sharing." She spoke simply, turning to leave and motioning for the girl to follow.
Parker gave Seth a sympathetic smile before following her older cousin.
The room was a small room with two twin sized beds pressed against opposing walls. A dresser occupied the wall next to a closet and a mirror. One bed was covered in ca emerald green bed spread covered in sage green pillows. Leah sat upon the bed motioning to the other bed.
"Mom picked out the bedding, I hope you like maroon." The older girl said with a small scoff to which Parker offered a small smile. "It's great, I'll make sure to thank Aunt Sue." She offered, a hollow smile carving its way onto her cheeks.
"Hey Leah, I just wanted to say- uh- I'm sorry about Uncle Harry. He was one of the good ones." Parker spoke. At her words, Leah physically tensed up, a shadow crossing her tanned face before she gently nodded. "He was- thanks... I heard about Uncle Dean too. He was always sweet, bringing us kids different candies any time he visited." Leah replied, a gentle, pained smile on her face. Parker nodded and sniffed softly, her eyes tearing up as she remembered her father.
      Before she could reply, the door was flung open by Seth who struggled under the weight of the boxes in his hands. "Geez, Park, did you pack a whole city in here?" The boy asked as he set the two boxes down meeting an impressed Parker's eyes. The boxes contained her personal library- a collection of at least a hundred books- and her entire discography. She just shook her head in awe. "That's like at least a hundred pounds." To which Seth just shrugged "I'm stronger than I look."
      As their mothers joined the group in the room, the group began to chat, discussing the plans for Della who would be leaving the next day. When they had left San Diego, Della hadn't quite sold the house so until it was sold, Parker would remain in La Push while her mother returned to San Diego to finish up business. After unpacking the car into the shared room, Parker excused herself to unpack while her family reminisced in the living room.

       The day had came and went as Parker unpacked her things. Her side of the room began to look more like her. Pictures of her friends and her family now sat on her bed side table. Plastic vines decorated the wall behind her bed along with various shelves overflowing with books and CDs. With a satisfied once over, Parker collapsed backwards on the bed exhausted. Her mother knocking on the door causing the girl to sit up and look towards her with a smile.
"All settled in?" She asked gently, sitting beside the girl and pressing a kiss to her forehead. Parker nodded and gave the woman her convincing smile. "Yep, I'm going to miss you momma." She spoke, tears welling in her chocolate hued eyes. Della sighed softly and hugged the girl tightly. "I'm going to miss you too my darling." She spoke before kissing her forehead once more. "Now get some sleep, tomorrow is your first day of school." She spoke softly as the girl nodded.
    Midnight crept around before Leah found her way to bed. Parker gave her a soft goodnight before turning away to look out the window into the rainy forest surrounding the house. Her eyes finding the moon as she gently sighed, remembering her father's words. 'I see the moon, P.J.' He would quote to the younger Parker. "And the moon sees me." Parker whispered into the quiet bedroom.
Tomorrow would be a new day and she wasn't sure what La Push would bring.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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