Chapter 4: The Girl in the Ruins

Start from the beginning

Soon, he and Aisha in her pink and white VF-19E were soaring along the islands towards their destination. Aisha was lazily drifting back and forth, humming a little tune.

"What kind of flying is that Aisha?" asked a bemused Rion.

"What do you mean? I can fly however I want!" she responded back.

"It certainly looks interesting," replied Rion.

"What, it's fun! Besides I'm too excited at what we're going to find out! I gotta blow off some steam!" Aisha promptly sent her fighter into a crazy loop before zooming past Rion's Phoenix.

"Just you wait ruins! We're going to be the first to uncover your secrets!" she said.

"And I'll just be back here, praying that we don't get into trouble," sighed Rion. "Look, I need you to level with me; Is there anything dangerous down there that we should be worried about?"

"Well we already know that the ruins have strange effects. There are actually reports about them going years back. But I'm sure we'll be fine!"

"Yeah. Sure." Replied Rion, dubiously.


At last they arrived at the ruins of a great arch, several hundred feet high, surrounded by pillars and smaller arches. They all had intricate fascia and runes carved into them at regular intervals and the stone itself was dark grey and very rough, clearly showing the signs of the wearing of years. Unfortunately, any hope of Rion's that this would be a milk run were cut short when, as they landed at the base of the large arch in battroid mode, they saw a green camouflaged VF-171 Nightmare Plus EX Valkyrie guarding a tunnel which seemed to lead underground. The image of the pilot, a large, swarthy man with tanned skin, an afro, quite a few scars, beady green eyes, a thin moustache and pointed goatee and a furry, white... thing? Snake? around his neck appeared on their monitors.

"Sorry, but there's no going into the ruins today!" he said in a rough voice.

Aisha looked aghast at her monitor.

"Guh... Ganeth Modler?! What are you doing here?"

"You know him?" asked Rion.

"He used to be a Guild hunter but after the idiot tried to steal from the ruins, they kicked him out," quickly explained.

Ganeth scowled back at them.

"You're in for it this time Aisha. But I still like that attitude of yours. My future wife should be tough!" he said.

"Aisha, this guy... is your fiancé?" asked Rion, pretty sure he knew the answer but couldn't help asking the question anyway.

"Idiot! He's just spouting off nonsense! I'd absolutely never go out with a guy like him!"

Rion was taken aback; it was the first time he had ever seen the pretty young meltran so upset.

"Hmph, whatever. But whatever my feelings for you, Aisha, I'm definitely not letting you into the ruins, so what are you going to do about it?" responded Ganeth, smirking.

Rion glared back at Ganeth through his monitor, his own devilish smirk on his lips.

"You sure talk pretty big, don't you" he said sarcastically.

"Obviously!" responded Ganeth, missing the sarcasm completely, "soon, all of Ouroboros will have to acknowledge me for my greatness!"

Rion was getting more and more pissed off by this guy. A few more words and he may just shoot him.

"Now why don't you just back down, eh?" Ganeth sneered. "They may call me an idiot but they'll soon see, I'm going to be the king around here and I'll take what I want, when I want!"

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