Chapter Seventeen

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Having to take transportation outside of Stark technology proved that Bucky had become spoiled with convenience and shorter travel times. There were two flight changes, three bus rides, a cab ride, and a 10-mile walk to Y/N's cottage outside the city parameters.

Luckily, he packed light and had better endurance than most who would attempt the journey.

As he arrived at the same field where he had first met Y/N, he had to stop and admire the beauty of it once again. He forgot just how stunning and dreamlike the place was. Perhaps it felt like a dream to him because he had never imagined a life like this for himself beyond his daydreams.

He stared at the small cottage off in the distance and the stained-glass greenhouse south of the house. He could hear the clucks and quacks of farm birds as they wandered freely.

The sky was a bright blue, lightly dusted with clouds as the sun was setting in about an hour. He squinted some at the sun coming out from behind a cloud and looked toward the front door of her home as he approached in the distance.

It was closed. There wasn't any sign of Ryker or her so far. Yet again, he remembered her saying she liked to forage and venture the land in her spare time if she wasn't gardening, reading, or taking on a new project.

Slowly making his way to the cottage, he continued to analyze his surroundings. It was quiet. But not have-your-guard-up kind of quiet. No, it was the exact opposite.

It was peaceful. He knew that in her time there, she had never had anyone infiltrate the peace besides their surprise visit. So a piece of him knew that they were safe here. At least as safe as it can get in this world. He continued to scan the area, hoping to see the homeowner, but there was no sign of human life anywhere. Only farm animals.

Speaking of...

In the distance, he heard a horse neigh followed by a low moo. Had she upped her number of pets?

He decided his best chance to find his answer was to venture closer to the house and hopefully find someone to ask his question to.

"Y/N?" he questioned, approaching the door, seeing that most of the windows in her house were open. Some panes shared a peek at the curtains inside as they blew out when a light breeze filled the home.

He knocked, but no response. Instead, the door opened, showing it was unlocked and unlatched. He knew he shouldn't be worried, but the habit of the job kicked in, and he started considering the troubles that could arise.

He remembered what she was capable of and how she had kept this part of her life safe from the outside world. She knew magic in ways Bucky's mind couldn't fathom, and the likelihood of someone finding her out here, if she didn't want them to, was close to none unless you happened to be a neurosurgeon/ wizard. She had to be out and about. It was a lot of land from what Bucky had gathered.

Now, the next question was, should he go in or wait on the porch step? He was going to go for the latter decision, but he heard a high-pitched whistle. One that was piercing and angry as it screamed.

He crossed the threshold into the kitchen to see the noise maker. A tea kettle was left on low heat but whistled to show its contents were boiling. That shouldn't worry him, right?

He turned it off before deciding to investigate further and quietly went to the living room. In the corner, the sounds of a song he recognized danced with the warm breeze coming from one window and flowing to the opposite. A vinyl was spinning on an old vintage record player to the side. The piece of equipment was in mint condition for its age. All the detailing and added antique features made it a perfect set.

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