Background of the Story (Please Read!)

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Hello, my loves❤️! Lord... I feel like it's been ages since I've dropped something new here. Sorry about that...

As of these last few months, the world has grabbed me by the wrist and drug me down the road of adulting hard. Meaning, I have a full-time job now, and as of yesterday, I signed up for my own insurance and ROTH retirement account. Yay... This is what 22 looks like. 🙃 Anyway! I planned on posting this series after I COMPLETELY finished it, but here we are once again with my impatient ass. And I may be feeling a little guilty because I've been quiet for so long and feel as though I owe you lovely people something new and different.

In saying that, I'll get right to the case!

This series is probably the most personal series I've written so far. And by that, I mean that it has come from one of the happy places my Pisces imagination has thought up when I want to escape this world.

Yes, all my writings are something like that, but this one is slightly different as it's a place I've wanted to shift to for a while. If you know what shifting/ reality shifting is, then you know what I'm talking about. If you don't, there are so many resources here and on Reddit for that community ;)

So, to sum it up, the main character in it is who I picture myself if I were ever to be a part of the MCU myself. (This is truly very personal to me and somewhat nerve-wracking to share, so please bear with me.) Her nickname, all the way down to her relationships and minuscule details of her powers, has been thoroughly planned and thought out as I wanted to get every idea and detail of her down to really understand her and shift to her. (this is just a part of her story)

With all that being said, this storyline is one that I 100% immersed myself in. Mannerism, fashion, architecture, pets, body language, and empathy are all channeled into this character.

So yes... This is a lot to say about just another series I'm writing, but I'm telling you all this to let you know it's a little different for me on the writing end this time.

However, I won't take more of your time than I need to! The series summary is quite vague compared to what it entails, but I struggled to come up with it for some reason. BUT! The prologue that I am releasing at midnight will clear up a lot of confusion!

Thank you all for reading my rant, and I'm excited to see what you think of my second reality!!

Update as of 1/22/24: 

My writing with each series has grown and continues to grow. I've made it a mission to revisit each series I've created and re-write them to an extent when given the chance. Sometimes, I venture back and read some chapters here and there and edit, but my writing style changes and grows as I read more books and find the types of writing I prefer. 

With that being known, each new series I post gets slightly better with delivery and personality. To my fellow writers, you get it. To my readers, bear with me, as there is always room to grow in a person's craftsmanship. I've gone back through and rewritten it in a style I feel happier about, but knowing me, five years from now, that will be a completely different version as well. 

Here's to growth and finding comfort in these characters year after year :)

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