"Ok, you two be safe and listen to your teacher." Dad said.

"If you get into any trouble, get out of there. It's a low level dungeon, but don't let your guard down." Mom said. Tess and I nodded and my parents hugged both of us.

"Love you." I said.

"We love you too. Both of you. Now go, and have fun." Mom said and Dad rubbed my head messing up my hair.

"Bye Brother!" Ellie yelled as she ran down the steps and gave me a hug.

"I didn't know you were awake." I said smiling.

"Sylv woke me up." Ellie said.

'I wanted her to say bye before you left.' Sylv said. I nodded thanking her.

Ellie walked over to Tess and gave her a hug as well. "I'll see you later Tess!" Ellie said smiling. Tess laughed.

"I'll see you later Ellie." Tess said happily.

After we said our goodbyes, we rode the carriage to the academy where we saw our team fighting mechanics class gathered in a group. Once the carriage stopped, Tess and I got out of the carriage and we joined the group.

"Good to see you made it." Claire said as we approached.

"Are we the last ones?" Tess asked.

"Ya, Professor Glory is up front if you want to check in with her." Curtis said.

"I'll check us in, I'll be right back." I said to Tess who nodded.

As I walked past Claire, I stopped and whispered in her ear. "Any news on Clive?"

Claire shook her head, "None."

I nodded and walked over to Professor Glory who was looking at a clipboard.

"Hello Professor." I said as I approached.

Professor Glory looked up and smiled when she saw me. "Ah Arthur! I'm glad you made it, I take it Tessia is with you?" She asked smiling.

"Yep, we're both here. She's just hanging out with Claire and Curtis." I said getting a nod from her.

"Very good, then we can get going." She said.

"Listen up everyone one. Get into your assigned groups, and we will start making our way through the portal!" Professor Glory yelled.

I nodded and walked back to where Tess, Claire, and Curtis were. "Alright I'm back. You guys ready?" I asked getting a nod from everyone.

Once everyone was placed in their groups, we started to make our way through the portal into the adventurers guild hall which wasn't too far from the dungeon. I noticed a lot of adventures sitting down and talking about their recent dungeon's.

Some of the adventurers wore some pretty nice gear. I noticed there was a group of female adventurers who wore very revealing gear showing off a lot of skin, and accenting their assets.

I noticed Curtis was staring at them, and Claire smacked the back of his head. I noticed Tess was looking at me smiling.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. Just noticed you didn't give those females much attention." Tess said happily.

I looked at her and smiled, "Why would I when I have you." Tess smiled and leaned against me.

"Alright everyone, this is the adventurers guild hall, a little ways north is a nice place called the Dragonspire Inn. They have some good ale there if you ever find yourself there and are old enough. Now, let's get going!" Professor glory said.

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