Yoongi's Adventure

Start from the beginning


As we turn onto the street his family lives on the clouds get close enough to that it seems like they're almost on top of us.

'Is it me or can you also see the rain underneath the clouds?' I ask, not quite squinting in the sharp sunlight,

'Yeah, it's like the air is almost solid just underneath it, or a paintbrush dragged a ton of paint down the canvas underneath it.' He agrees. 'And it's a lot closer. Let's get in the house as  quickly as possible. It's moving fast and is likely to be on top of us in minutes.'


By sunset I knew the intended day trip was going to be much more.

'I will not let my son go out in this hailstorm to find a measly hotel room. His bedroom hasn't been touched since he moved out. He can stay there.' Yoongi's mom insisted loudly.

It was a good thing she did it loudly... nothing less would've been heard over the thunder of the ice pellets from the sky hitting everything outside.

His dad didn't even question whether we were okay with this decision, he just got up from the table, left his lukewarm coffee he'd been nursing, and grabbed our bags, hauling them down the hall to the designated bedroom his wife chose for us.

Or maybe the room is for just Yoongi?

'Mom, my bed isn't big enough for both of us!' Yoongi insisted. I tried to look shocked at the implication of his statement, but even I know I can't lie that well.

'It is if you cuddle!' His mom yelled back, winking at me. Yoongi just rolled his eyes.

I leaned over and whispered in his ear. 'With all this noise I don't think they'll hear us... and who could even sleep through this racket?!'

The side smirk and nod, with a bit of blush on his cheeks, and he finally thanked his mom for letting us stay the night.


With a quick peek into the room next to his, Yoongi finds his parents moved their furniture around, and now their headboard is against his wall. We both groan as we go into his room, looking at the set up.

'We need to move stuff. I can't make you cum if their bed is against the same wall as mine.' Yoongi grumbles. I just nod, putting our still full luggages in the bottom of his closet and start planning out the new floor plan.


'So if we move the dresser, the desk plus all the old components to the wall shared by your parents, and the kumamon shrine you created to the corner with the door to the room, we can fit the bed on the wall opposite the one your parents sleep against.' I point out.

Yoongi, nodding, agrees and starts moving all the smaller pieces of furniture to the wall opposite the bedroom door, making as much space as possible for the larger pieces to move.

The thundering noise of the storm outside, even though it stopped hailing after almost a half hour (the rains came hard on the tail of that to keep the noise up), keeps the chance for playing music while we moved stuff around impossible.

By the time we have the room set up we're both ready to collapse on the bed... only to faintly hear a knocking on the door.

Yoongi gets up to answer it. It's his dad, with bedsheets and towels.

'Oh! You changed the room! Smart move. You mom's still a bit nosey, so I am glad you did. I won't tell her... let her find out when you leave to go back.' His conspiratorial smile is matched by Yoongi's and he nods his thanks as he takes the linens and closes the door.

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