Thermal waters

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Several days had already passed since the catastrophe in City A occurred, this was a historic event for all the people of the mega-continent, although, little by little, all the impact it left behind dissipated, and with the announcement that the land The destroyed part of the city would be used to build a fortress for the main activities of the association, since most people had forgotten the event to the point of not mentioning it, that was already in the past...

Swim: Eighteen... Pfff... Nineteen... Hmmm...twe-nty... Not anymore... I can... I give up...

Saitama: Okay, so we're done for today, at least you were able to do 3 reps more than last time... Do you want some water?

Swim: Ple... Phew... Please... -/She was panting from exhaustion.../-

Saitama: Alright, let's go up then.

Our bald hero was training his disciple, both dressed in sportswear training together with the classic Saitama routine... at that moment they were finishing the routine with push-ups, Swim had a hard time reaching this part with energy, so that, she couldn't complete it... They had been training in the street outside the apartment, and finishing, they went back into it, finding the same scene as always, Genos with a pink apron... Only this time, he was doing home cleaning...

Swim: Why doesn't Genos have to train like us?

Genos: That's because I'm a Cyborg and training my body would be useless, so I try to learn each of the amazing teachings that the master gives me day after day...

Saitama: (I wish the incredible teachings were true)...-/he thought, a little disappointed in himself.../-

Swim: Oh, you're right about that!

Saitama: What?...

Swim: Although sometimes it is difficult to understand his metaphors, they carry a great teaching with them... Like when he tried to teach us using a lettuce as an example...

Saitama: (She too?! It can't be!...) Better sit down, I'll bring you the water in a moment...

Genos: By the way, Sensei, the bus said it would pick us up in 30 minutes.

Swim: Which bus?

Genos: The association rewarded the S-class for the battle during the A City catastrophe with a trip to a hot spring... Sensei was also invited because he saved the heroine known as a tornado...

Swim: I see... But didn't they give you credit for defeating the ship's boss? You told us that he was the strongest person you've ever faced.

Saitama: No one would believe me, so I didn't say anything about it, but it doesn't matter... At least I'll be able to go to some hot springs for free. -/ He sounded happy for the word "Free" /-

Swim: I understand, so I hope you have a good trip.

Saitama: I also wanted to ask you a favor, could you take care of my plants while I'm gone? nothing bad happens to them.

Swim: Understood, I'll do my best.

Saitama: Great, Genos, is the luggage ready?

Genos: Indeed, Sensei, pack everything to supply all your basic needs during your stay in the place.

Saitama: A "yes" was enough...

Genos: So... Yes, it is, Sensei.

Saitama: That's better.

Genos: Well, we should go now, the bus refused to enter the abandoned area, so they asked us to go to the center of the city to pick us up.

Saitama: Alright then we're off, Swim, the key is under the mat at the entrance, I trust you Swim.

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