So this is happening

Start from the beginning

Maya walked back towards Newt, then directed her attention to the white-haired woman in the room.

"Okay, so I'm assuming you brought all of us here? Why?"

"I brought you all here so you could reunite you with all your loved ones, and so they could understand you better, mostly by watch your past. And so you wouldn't have to talk about it and explain everything!"
Fate replied.

"Do they really have to watch it? All of it?" Maya asked, not at all happy to have to relive her past.

"And I get that that you brought them here" she said gesturing to the pack, gladers, and her current bosses. "But why are the avengers here?  Pretty sure I haven't met them before?"

Pepper and Tony looked at each other nervously. What if she hated them? Wanted nothing to do with them or the kids?

"Well-" Fate cut herself off looking at Noah expectantly.

"Estelle honey," he started, looking at his daughter, hoping she'd take the news well.
"These two right here," he gestured to Tony and Pepper, "are you're birth parents, And before you get mad, they didn't abandon you, you were kidnapped."

Maya paused not really knowing what to say to that. She wasn't necessarily looking for her birth parents, especially after everything. She didn't need more people to betray her. but one look at them and she could tell how hopeful they looked. She supposes giving them a chance wouldn't hurt, and if they started showing warning signs, at least she would recognize them. hopefully if everything worked out, they would love and support her after they saw everything. But if not? She still had her true families support behind her.

"Hello," she started off awkwardly, luckily for her, her birth mother was more than prepared.

Pepper walked a step closer to her oldest daughter. "Can I hug you?" She asked hopefully, looking teary eyed.

Maya paused for a minute before she shook her head yes and opened her arms to hug her birth mother who was throwing herself at her, Tony immediately joining in.

"We're so sorry honey! We never stopped looking for you no matter what!" Pepper exclaimed sounding emotional.

"I-uh, I believe you," she pulled out of the embrace, "so you're my parents? I assume that's why you called me Maria earlier? That was my name?" Maya asked her parents, with a calculating look in her eyes.

"Yes, Maria Edwin Stark, we named you after my mother and my father in all but blood." Tony responded with a hopeful yet teary smile.

"Would it be okay if we introduced you to your siblings?" Pepper asked not wanted to overwhelm her daughter the first time they met.

"Uh- sure" she replied sounding unsure of the idea. Hesitantly Letting her biological parents lead her over to a group of people.

"This is Harley, And thats Peter, your brothers."
She let Harley and Peter pull her into a hug.
Despite not expecting this today she was slightly interested to be meet her birth family.

"oh my gosh! It's so nice to meet you! What do you like to do? Do you like science? Ooh! Do you-"

"Holy shit, Peter don't overwhelm her." Harley laughed "sorry he likes to ramble" he said looking at his sister with a genuine smile.
"You get used to it."

Don't Blame Me // watching her life  (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now