Chapter 13

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~Zoe's point of view~

I'm walking back from the grocery store when I'm stopped by a familiar voice I never hoped I would hear again. "Zoe?" I decide not to react and just walk away, hoping they were talking to someone else. It seems to work and I proceed to walk back to the B&B, not looking back and singing silently to myself. I open the door to go inside when someone taps my shoulder. "Excuse me?" I turn around, knowing I can't get away now. "Yes?" I say, acting like the woman in front of me is a total stranger. "Zoe? Is it really you?" she asks, making me hold back tears. I can see that she recognises me, which makes it even harder to say the next words:"I'm sorry. Wrong person." I turn aorund and go inside, slamming the door shut. I slide down against the door and start crying. I can hear her walk away on the gravel. I hold in a sob. "Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? What happened? Come here," Ethan says, walking towards me and sitting down next to me. I put my head on hs chest and cry for a while, until I have no tears left to cry. It's tuesday, so we don't have to work in the B&B today. We make our way to the terrace. Ethan's mo mis there too, but I trust her, so I don't mind. "They know I'm here," is all I'm able to say. "Your parents?" Ethan asks. I nod:"My mom recognised me and called my name, but I acted like I didn't hear it and walked here. I thought she wasn't following me, but just before I could come inside, she grabs my arm. I knew I couldn't ignore her and turned around. I saw in her eyes that she was sure it was me, but I told her that she had the wrong person and went inside. I'm sure she'll come back." "Then you'll have to talk to her. I can stay with you if you want. She doesn't even know why yuo left, she doesn't understand, but I think she has the right to know why her daughter has been so upset with her for such a long time. Besides, I think it would be good for you to get it off your chest with one of the only people that can change it," Ethan has a serious expression, telling me he means every word. I look down when I say the next words:"I don't know if I'm ready. I don't know if I would be able to find the right words without sparking a heated argument again." "Then write it down, think about what you write. Make sure to say what you think without insulting them and tell them how you feel about that. Be honest, be direct and make sure to give them reasons,"Ethan's mom advices. "I'll do that, thank you," I tell her. "Do you want to take a nap?" Ethan asks. I nod. "You can go already, I'll be there in a few," he says, pecking my lips. I make my way towardsq the door, but stand still when I hear his mom talk. "You're good to her." "I try. I love her so much. She means a lot to me." His words make me smile to myself. I go to our room and take my bra off, taking one of his big T-shirts and one of his sweatpants to be comfortable. Ethan enters the room not more than 5 minutes later. We lay down and get under the sheets. "Ethan?" I ask, looking up to find his eyes already on me. "Yes?" he answers, waiting for me to go on. "Do you want to stay with me when my parents come? Please?" I ask, making him smile. "Of course! I'll always be there for you, whenever you need me. I love you," he says, kissing my forehead right after. I put my hand on his cheek and turn his head so I can reach his forehead. He chukles and puts and arm around my waist, sliding me up a little so I'm able to press a kiss to the top of his forehead. "I'll always be there for you, whenever you need me. I love you,'' I whisper against his skin. I look him in his eyes and smile before I lean in and press my lips to his. I pull back and snuggle myself into him. That's one of the things I love the most about him, he's so good at cuddling! It's one of the things about him I'll never get tired of. With those thoughts I fall asleep.

"Zoe? Zoe? Wake up," a soft voice whispers. I frown and open my eyes, smiling at Ethan. "What time is it?" I ask. "It's an hour later, but your parents came here 15 minutes a go, but I told them to come back tommorow, as it's not fait towards you to barge into your life like this. I told them you were sleeping because you were really upset and surprised and that you want to recollect yourself and calm yourself down before you talk to them. The neighbour doesn't mind taking over the B&B tommorow, he wishes you luck. I just wanted you to know. Besides, if you sleep too long now you won't be able to sleep tonight. Let's watch a movie and cuddle. I already have snacks and something to drink. Sounds good?" I nod:"Sounds good! Thank you for talking to my parents and for taking care of me. I really appreciate it." "You deserve it! Besides, I'm your boyfriend, it's my job to treat you like the queen that you are," he says, pecking my lips and nudging my nose with his when he pulls away. I chuckle at the gesture and snuggle into him. "What did I do to deserve you?" I whisper. "You would do the same thing for me," he says, repeating the words she told me a while a go. I smile. We decide to watch the Twilight movies.

Separate ways lead to the same placeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora