Chapter 6

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~the next day, Ethan's point of view~

''I'm allright Ethan, don't worry about it! I eat healthy, don't do too much, get lots of sleep. How's London?'' my mom asks. ''It's great mom. Zoe is staying over because we both don't really like being alone. Today, the whole friend group is coming over. We'll probably just talk and maybe watch a movie or someting.'' I explain, pouring myself a cup of coffee. My phone's on speaker on the counter. ''That's great honey! I'm happy you've found a group of friends already! Why don't you and Zoe become roommates? You can split the rent and have fun together! Household is also way easier! You do need to make rules about bringing people home for you know what if the walls aren't that thick.'' ''Mom! That's a good idea though! I'll ask Zoe when she wakes up!'' I tell her, jumping at the sound of Zoe's voice behind me. ''Ask Zoe what?'' I hear my mom laugh:''I'm going to clean the house now, honey. New guests are coming! Have fun, you two!'' With those words she ends the call. I turn around to turn off my phone. ''Well? What do you want to ask me?'' Zoe asks, her curious side bubbling up. I smile at her curiosity:''My mom has an idea, but I don't know about it,'' I say truthfully. Zoe frowns:''What is it? No is the worst thing that I can say'' I sigh and turn off my phone. I put my mug with coffee on the table and sit down next to Zoe, turning to face her:''We spent the last few days together. I don't know, it's just fun to have someone around. My mom had the idea. Why don't we become roommates? I mean, we can split the rent, household will be easier and we won't be alone, which is quite nice, isn't it?'' I look down in case she doesn't like the idea. ''I think that's a great idea! I think we'd live in this appartment then, because it's bigger than mine. We can arrange the paperwork later this week and pack my stuff in the weekend.'' I look up surprised she said yes. She stands up and walks towards the coffee machine to make herself a cup. The rest of the morning we spent cleaning the appartment a little for when the group comes over.

It's around 12:30 PM when Matthew and Joseph arrive. ''Hello mate, how've you been?'' Joseph asks while engulfing me in a hug. ''I've been good, mate, and you?'' I ask, pulling back and smiling. ''Very good! Adam went to pick up Olivia, so they'll be here later, since Olivia is still figuring out what to wear,'' Joseph says, making me chuckle while I turn to Matthew to greet him. ''Hello Matt. How've you been?'' I ask. He hugs me too. ''Good, good! You? How was your first week in London?'' I pull back and smile:''Good, good! Work is nice and I wasn't alone, so it's been fun!'' I answer. He frowns and looks at Zoe, but doesn't ask. We all go into the living room and sit down on the couch, making some small talk to pass the time until Alexander, Adam and Olivia show up. Alexander arrives just 15 minutes later. We all laugh and talk about our weeks. I can tell Zoe finds it a little hard to talk about her week, because of the break up apparently none of our friends know about, so I always try to change subject before anyone can question her about it. When Adam and Olivia arrive, the first question asked by Alexander catches both me and Zoe off guard. ''So, Ethan and Zoe, since when are you two dating?'' The whole group focuses on us, waiting for an answer. I immediately answer after looking at Zoe for permission to talk about the break up:''We're not dating at all. Zoe was my first girlfriend back in elementary, so we know each other really well. Zoe broke up with her boyfriend the day after I arrived here due to an argument. She spent the night in the guest bedroom because I live really close to her. She didn't want to be alone in her appartment, in case her ex would come by. We went to her appartment to clean it and get Zoe some stuff to stay at mine for a while, but her boyfriend was there, drunk. She defended herself and when he grabbed Zoe, I pulled her away from him and we went inside her appartment. The rest of the week we spent in our two appartments, because we enjoy spending time together as friends. We wanted to get all of you here today because we both like to spend time with all of you too. Zoe and I also decided to become roommates because we both don't want to be alone. This way we can split the rent, take care of the appartment together and stuff like that.'' ''That's nice of you, Ethan. Thank you for helping Zoe out, that's really thoughtful of you! I can't believe you guys are each other's first love! What a coincidence!'' Adam says, making everyone nod in agreement. ''It was nothing,'' I say, immediately interrupted by Zoe:''No it isn't nothing, Ethan. If you weren't there when Bartholomew grabbed me, I don't even want to know what would've happened! And having someone around to talk to and to cheer me up really helped me to get over the break up. Although we've known each other for a long time, I know you would've done the same thing for everyone in this room. It's something others wouldn't do as quickly. The others would help me by talking to me, making sure i'm okay and take me out, but you immediately let me stay in your home, that is next level!'' ''Yes, that is next level, mate! You've only known us a week and you would seriously do so much for us? You're someone that can be trusted, I can already tell,'' Matthew adds. I smile. I don't really know how to answer to all these compliments, so I decide to change the subject. ''All right, let's watch a movie! Any suggestions?'' After 10 minutes of searching and discussing, we pick 'La La Land'. I make sure everyone has a bowl with their preferred snack before I focus on the tv screen.

After the movie we decide to go on a walk through this part of the city, since I only know the grocery store, Zoe's appartment, the forest where I have my special place and my work place. I get to know a nearby park, some stores and just the streets around here. When we reach my appartment, it's 6:30 PM, so we decide to get some food in our system. We order some food and play some games while we wait. I'm having so much fun! I don't think it's possible to be bored with these people, they're amazing. They also don't really seem like the kind of people that make drama about every little thing, so that's nice too! They made me feel at home in this new city although I've only been here for a week. I believe it was a really good decision to move to London, I'm grateful mom encouraged me to do it. I hope I'll make a lot of beautiful memories here. My thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I go to the phone and look at the screen, seeing the person that delivers food. I tell him I'll come downstairs and put the phone back on the handle. I return to the living room and wait until I find a gap in the conversation to grab the attention:''Who's coming with me to carry the food?'' Joseph stands up and we make our way downstairs. We greet the delivery guy, pay him and make our way upstairs again. The group scream at the sight of the big bags filled with our food. I laugh at their reaction and put the bag I carried on the table, Joseph mirrors my action not long after. We give everyone what they ordered and eat, while proceeding in small conversation and laughter. We decide to watch another movie and settle on the three High School Musical movies. It's very, very late when everyone leaves and me and Zoe start cleaning the appartment a little, before we go to bed. It's 4:30 AM when I'm in bed, being very happy that it's Sunday and I don't have work, so I can sleep in a little. Just when I have my mind completely quiet, a person pops up in my head. Zoe. I don't know why, though. She seems to be all I can think about. I think about how much she's changed over the years, but didn't at the same time. I think about how she always seemed so careless, like she had the perfect life, when in reality, she didn't. I can only imagine how powerless she must've felt to see how her brother risked everything while she couldn't do anyhting about it. I totally understand why she tried to fight her parents about it. There's nothing wrong with being independent. But independence shouldn't be a higher priority than health and safety. I really hope her family comes around one day and understands how worried Zoe has been all those years, although I also understand her parents. It's a hard situation to deal with. My thoughts drift back to Zoe. She is a very strong woman, I can't help but being impressed by her persistence and strength. She's very pretty too. She's funny, kind, caring and helpful. Not to mention she's a very good friend! A big yawn interrupts my thoughts and makes me very aware of the sleep lingering in my body. I let it take over and before I know it, I sink away in a deep sleep.

~Meanwhile, Zoe's point of view~

I'm very happy with how today went. I'm also very excited to be Ethan's roommate, it seems so much fun! It also seems very convenient, financially. I'd like some extra money to save up! I let my mind go silent and focus on the faint sounds of cars in the city. It's a little less busy here, but you can clearly hear the sounds of traffic coming from the center of London, which isn't that far away. I don't feel tired yet. That's odd, because I fall asleep rather fast usually. I think about last week, it was really fun. There's only one person that pops up in my mind, though. Ethan. I just can't stop thinking about how close we used to be and how it seems like we never stopped being so close. I'm so grateful for his help and attention this past week. He's such a nice guy and an amazing friend! I'm very grateful for having him and the rest of the group, they make me a better person. I feel really lucky that I have all of them. They are my home, my family. With Ethan, it feels a little bit different, though. We just have so much history together. We spent some of the saddest and the happiest days of our lives together, laughed and cried together. We've always been so close. It makes our friendship different from our friendships with the other people in the group. I sigh deeply. I really can't get to sleep. I tiptoe towards the cabinet and take some clothes and quickly put them on. I tiptoe towards the front door, put my jacket and shoes on, take the spare key and go outside, walking to the forest where that beautiful place is. Hopefully I can clear my head there.

~30 minutes later, narrator's point of view~

It doesn't take long for Zoe to close her eyes and keep them closed, lying in the grass on top of that little hill, where no one can see her. That peaceful place under the stars that forces Zoe to let all her thoughts fly away and look up at those galactic spotlights that hypnotise her until she falls asleep, feeing safe and content under the blanket of stars.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Word count: 2047

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