Cookies in class // Chaos post

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It was yet another boring day at Kamiyama highschool, Akito glanced out the window; it was raining today which meant everyone was forced inside. Todays class was a work period but to him it was freetime, of course later Toya would scold him for not finishing his work but he didn't care at the moment. All of a sudden he looked over because he felt something hit him lightly, he had a bad feeling when he looked over and Mizuki was giving him a sly look- not only them but Tsukasa and Rui too. Oh hell no I am not doing that today he thought while turning his head the other way, and in response got a pout from Mizuki.
"Please lil bro" they whispered carefully to not draw attention to themself with the teacher there
"No not today" Akito whispered back
At that moment he felt his phone vibrating, he forgot about the group chat they made- at this point he had no choice but to turn back and glare at them so they would stop. After all if the teacher caught him on his phone again he would be calling home but that brought him little comfort considering he had a feeling he would be getting a call home anyway.
"Okay fine i'll hear you out just stop spamming" Akito glanced back feeling queasy
"I knew you would see it our way" Mizuki silently cheered
Akito grabbed his stuff and moved closer to the group, insisting that this was a group project and that he needed help when asked by the teacher. The group pretended to work until the teacher announced he needed a washroom break and would be back in a minute, thinking that they were mature enough to be left alone was his first mistake.
Mizuki gave the signal and they all grabbed out something from their bags.
"wait so what exactly is going on here" Akito asked after seeing everything set out on their desks
"Well I didn't eat breakfast today so I thought maybe we could make edible cookie dough" Mizuki said
"I feel like this is to planned to be a coincidence-" Akito started
"OKAY, I don't need to know anymore but can you be any less quiet" he groaned remembering exactly why he wanted to say no in the first place
"So your in?" Rui chimed in
"Well-" Akito began
"Great! Now here's the plan" Mizuki cut him off
The plan was to sneak into the food lab upstairs, Rui would be the look out and distraction- Akito had to admit it was a pretty decent plan but he never felt fully safe when it was something to do with *those* two.
Rui opened the classroom door and looked both ways, he then gave the rest of them a nod and it was showtime.
Mizuki, Tsukasa , and a dragged along Akito ran down the hall and quickly bolted up the stairs. The minute they left the teacher turned the corner and made dead eye contact with Rui, he smiled at him before pressing a switch and giving him a smug look- there was a loud banging noise and a burst of glitter coming out of the classroom. Rui ran knowing the teacher would run after him, upon looking in the glitter filled classroom he sighed before saying "I don't get paid enough for this sh-".
Meanwhile the three who escaped and made it to the food lab started their mixture, the three squatted by the counter so they wouldn't get caught. Although they sorta remembered that none of them actually knew how to make cookies, Tsukasa threw a entire bag of flour in so they all just threw whatever they had in it.
They heard Rui run by saying code red just as they finished the batch, the teacher ran in and they all stood up and said "SCATTER"
They all ran as the teacher chased closely behind them, "TSUKASA MOVE YOUR GOING TO SLOW HES GONNA CATCH UP" Akito yelled pushing him further as Mizuki did the same. They raced and got up with Rui, and as the teacher finally caught up the four of them stood like a deer in head lights realizing they hit a dead end. They may have detention for the next month but at least they have some pretty good cookie dough too.
"I'm really going to be spending 5 weeks in a classroom with those idiots..." Akito laid his head down on his desk as the teacher scolded them. Note to self- never make cookies in class.

Thank you for reading this chapter ! This one wasn't really a ship fic just something chaotic I thought of the other day! If you liked this one feel free to leave a request! ( you can submit multiple even if you already have before I don't mind !!! ) a few things were out of character in this !

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