Haircut?! // Mizuena!

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- this is a request I received ! I hope you all enjoy -

Mizuki stared into their mirror, for some reason they just couldn't get anything to look right today- not even with the best outfit they had in their wardrobe. After a hour of mindlessly trying on random outfits they made the impulsive middle school decision they once made before. In middle school they had their hair cut really short and in times like these they felt as if it would make them feel a bit better, and so they went back to their old comfort and started cutting it. It didn't take long for the bathroom floor to quickly be filled with hair, at this point in time they had grown it out so much that it was down to their shoulders. They looked back in the mirror and shrugged a bit, it wasn't that it looked bad it was that it was a bit choppy since they didn't have any professional experience really. They knew they would likely be visiting a hair dresser on their way to school in the morning just for a quick fix up, because of them being rather embarrassed of their hair they ignored video calls for the rest of the day and hid in their room until they were able to make a proper appointment.
The next morning came quickly and they threw on their uniform and headed out as quickly as possibly- wearing a funny looking monster hat they got from Rui after hanging out at his house. Meanwhile at school Ena sat in her seat, actually deciding to go to school in the day time for once- despite her complaints Akito told her that he was only doing one trip today and if she didn't go then he wouldn't be driving her later on- much to her complaints she decided to just take the drive. The whole time in the car Akito caught glances with her until she told him what was wrong- Ena is typically overly talkative so being her older brother it was only natural he would pick up on such a behavior. She told him about how her partner never picked up their phone all day yesterday and how uncommon that was, and how she started to worry if something was wrong. Akito just shrugged it off and told her not to play to much into it but she huffed and got out of the car as they parked in the school parking lot. Ena replayed that conversation in her head multiple times wondering if maybe her older brother was right, then again she learned to stop taking all his words to heart when she was about 5 and Akito told her that when she apples and the core that a Apple tree will actually grow in her stomach... she ate so many apples that day and least to say Akito felt a little bit bad after that. Her thoughts were interrupted by the her friends walking in and sitting around her, she looked around and scanned their faces and none of them seemed to be Mizuki so she tuned them out, or at least that was until one of them spoke.

"Hey guys ! how is your mornings so far" A familiar voice asked

Ena looked up and down and couldn't find them anywhere, she got confused until Mizuki noticed she didn't say anything and instead went and wrapped their arms around her.


"ENA ITS" Mizuku started

"WHO ARE YOU" Ena panicked


Ena glanced back and stared them down in absolute disbelief, they looked so different but couldn't exactly put her finger on what was different, well that was until she noticed the lack of hair on Mizukis head . Her hair didn't look bad, in fact it was so beautiful on them she just couldn't believe that it was really them and so they got up and did a bunch of scans just to triple confirm it was them- and to her surprise it really was. Ena got so flustered and ran out of the classroom with Mizuki chasing after her and the rest of the friend group blankly staring trying to figure out what the actual hell just happened.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE BAD AT SPORTS" Mizuku called out as they ran to catch up with a fast running Ena

"I'M NOT I JUST PICK AND CHOOSE MY MOMENTS" Ena huffed still running

the least to say the school heard their random back and forth comments, some even were surprised it wasn't Rui and Tsukasa this time around. When Mizuki finally caught up to Ena they both stared and then laughed, Ena complimented their hair and blushed- their logic was if that if they ran no one would know that they were blushing and instead think of it as exercise, but also because they didn't know if they could handle their lovers cuteness.

The two heard the bell ring and noticed the time, they were late for first class and their teacher was spiraling toward them quickly to hand out detention, the two having mall plans later bolted.

"OKAY ENA IT'S TIME TO PUT THOSE TRACK TEAM LEGS TO USE AND RUN" Mizuki shouted as they began their chase, other began their recordings because this was definitely a moment to remember. Although Ena missed her significant other it looks like she wouldn't be after the amount of detentions the two had piled up after.

- That's all for this chapter! If you liked this feel free to comment or suggest a request to me! -

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