Come to me // Akitoya

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Toya was stressed, he had yet another fight with his dad leading to him being "kicked out" which really meant don't come home for a couple days I'm still mad. He didn't really have anywhere to go so he just ended up going to street Sekai to calm himself down, he went into the back aisle and sat on this metal crate curled up into a ball. He thought that after everything his father finally understood but it seems as if there still wasn't everything settled. He didn't wanna wake up anyone else so he sat and cried for awhile, yet another thing his father would criticize. MEIKO's cafe was still open but she didn't know what to do, she was worried but felt as if he wanted some time to himself. When he didn't come see her in a hour she worriedly texted Akito, after all with him being Toyas boyfriend she thought it would make him feel better.

Akito was on his phone when he got MEIKO's message, his heart dropped upon receiving the news of his sad significant other, he dropped everything he was doing and left a quick note in case he wasn't back by later on that night. He raced into the Sekai and desperately looked around for Toya, catching a glance with MEIKO told him the answer, his shoes slapping the pavement with each anxious step he took until he reached him. Akito didn't say anything at first and simply climbed up the boxes to sit next to him, he looked at Toya before gently placing his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Toya?" he spoke without getting a response, he let things be silent for a couple of minutes before trying to pry Toya out of the position he was in, when their eyes met there was a puffy eyed and runny nosed Toya facing back at him, Akito couldn't remember the last time he seen him cry. He didn't know what to do so he followed his heart and hugged him, in response it made Toya cry more but not because he was sad but because someone finally cared and understood. he tightened his grip on Akitos jacket and just continued to cry for a bit longer, when finished he released his grip and Akito looked at him, no words were said and they both came to a silent agreement. Akito didn't pressure Toya to talk about anything but still wanted him to be there for him, even if it meant going home with a soggy sweater, he wouldn't be leaving there without Toya. he hopped off the box and motioned for toya to come, he took his hand and held it until they reached his house- he brought him there because he wanted to make sure he was there in case anything happened, not to mention it didn't seem like he had anywhere else to go at that point- but his dad was a very touchy subject so he didn't bring it up.

They walked upstairs and instantly as Toya made contacted with the bed he was passed out, but not before grabbing Akito as his personal teddy bear- normally he wouldn't let anyone do this but Toya was a exception. He held him close and reminded him that he loved and cared for him before drifting off himself- turns out Toya was awake as he spoke his last two words of the night- "Thank you..."

- That's all for this chapter! if you liked this one feel free to leave a request! -

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