Chapter 7: It's just an error, bro

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Your POV

Skip to tomorrow

After eating bacon for breakfast, me and the guys decided to watch TV for the remainder of the day. It was Sunday, after all. 

A few hours later and the shows on TV were starting to get repetitive. Edd and Matt looked really bored and Tom passed out from all the alcohol he drank.

"I'm sooooooo bored." Matt groaned, looking up at the ceiling and sinking deeper into the couch.

"Right there with ya, buddy." Edd started changing the channels, trying to find something interesting to watch. He then reached to a nearby cabinet o grab something of off it, but there was nothing there. Edd gasped at the realization. "COLA!"

The sudden scream woke Tom up, making him fall on the floor. "Ow." He muttered, his face planted on the carpet.

"Haha, Tom's pain is always funny!" Matt laughed.

Edd basically flew through the door and quickly said. "GoingtogobuysomeCola,bye!" We all looked at each other in confusion, but then shrugged it off.

"Wait, didn't Edd get banned from the mall?" Matt asked, apparently not knowing there exist other places to buy groceries. Tom and I both facepalmed.

As we waited for Edd to get back, we watched TV for a while until a commercial caught our attention.

"Are you really bored? Haven't done your chores because you're lazy? Well we got the perfect thing!" Tom turned up the volume on the TV. "It's the new limited edition Robot Buddy! This friendly fella can do anything you order it to. Like mow your lawn, dust off your novelty toy collection, annoy the person you hate the most, clean the dishes and much more!" (Some of those were very specific.)

"So what are you waiting for. Just dial this number and order your own Robot Buddy now!" Matt already pulled out his phone, dialing the number. The phone started ringing. After a few seconds someone picked up.

"Hello? Yes, I'd like to order one Robot Buddy, please. "Matt started. "What?! Order more!" Tom exclaimed angrily, not wanting to share the Robot Buddy.

"690 pounds?!!!" Matt yelled out of shock. (That's actually a very low price for a robot that do anything.)

"Or maybe not..." Tom said quietly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Guys, we shouldn't order this. I mean, what if Edd doesn't like it? Plus it costs a lot, too, so-"

"Done!" I was cut off by Matt beaming  and rising his hands in the air. "Yay!" A big smile appeared on Tom's face.

Right at that moment, the doorbell rang. It's either Edd that forgot his keys or a really fast Robot Buddy delivery.

Matt excitingly ran to the door, Tom following right after him. I just peeked over the door to the living room to not be seen by whoever was at the door.

Matt swung open the door and quickly took the box out of delivery boy's hand. Matt then pulled out a piggy bank from his hoodie pocket and gave it to the delivery boy. He was about to shut the door again, but the delivery boy stopped him. "Wait! You need to sign this form."

"Why?" Tom asked, squinting his eyes. "Well, the Robot Buddy is still a beta and there may be a few error with it, so you have to agree that you won't-" Before the delivery boy could finish, Matt grabbed the form and signed it. Tom did so as well. "There. Goodbye now!" As Matt said that, I saw the delivery boy mumble something before Matt shut the door.

We opened the box and saw a small robot. Matt immediately took the Robot Buddy out of the box and turned it on.

"[DOWNLOADING SYSTEM]..." After a few seconds the robot's face, which was aa screen, turned on. "[INPUT YOUR NAME]" The robot said.

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