Chapter 2 ~ The Multiverse Theory

Start from the beginning

"It's too dangerous." Grim opened a portal and Sofia stepped through before Grim did too.

Before the portal closed, Eliza went through quickly and hit behind some boxes. Ah could hear loud commotion outside the storage room she was in. She quickly opened the door to see Grim and Sofia, hooded and disguised, fighting guards. She had to get to her family.

Eliza ran down the hallway, but was stopped by two guards.

"Who are you."

* ...I..I'm your boss's daughter!


Eliza gulped. They grabbed her without warning and began to drag her.

* W-Wait! I don't have magic I swear!

They refused to listen to her and dropped her off in an office and locked the door so she couldn't escape.


"Lower your voice, child."

She turned around to see a tall man in a suit. He gave out dark, ominous vibes.

* Who are you and why was I brought here?

"We had a feeling your parents were lying, Eliza. It was only a matter of time before you'd show up." He stated, talking his own on the table.

Eliza looked at him with anger and fear.

* I don't have magic, I only found out my family did yesterday! I just want them home..-

"Guards takes her to magic testing."

The door opened and Eliza speedily ran out, she needed to find Grim or Sofia. She cut corners and quickly entered an elevator by herself. She pressed a random button going up.

* Answer the phone Sofia c'mon...

It went straight to voicemail. The elevator stopped and the door opened.


More guards began to charger towards Eliza and her heart raced. She put her hand out to block them when everything went silent.

She stood still in confusion and then put her hands down.

Everyone was frozen.

* What the-

She stepped out of the elevator and Grim and Sofia were stuck in place, a blast in between them and some guards. Dylan was about to punch a guard and her parents were trying to get out of the extraction room.

* How am I supposed to undo this?!

Ah guys guys she did it!

Took her long enough, get her in here.

Eliza looked around, where had she heard those voices?

* H-Hello?!

Before she could take another step, she blocked and was around a huge table. Eliza saw other...Elizas?!

* Hi! I'm Eliza, you must be wondering where you are. 😊

She looked around, they all looked similar...all looked like me.

* We don't really allow ourselves to control time..and neither should you, it can be dangerous.

* O-Oh..I'm sorry I didn't mean to!

* Don't worry, we'll always be here when you sleep.

She woke up and was back at Sofia's house. A portal opened, Grim and Sofia coming out.

"Grim, you said you wouldn't break any bones!" Sofia crossed her arms and faced her brother, who was unloading his gun.

"I made no promises, you know that." He replied.

Then, he looked over at Eliza.

"Which brings me onto my next topic. Did you really follow us in even though we told you not to?"

* ...What? Of course not!

"We would've had a higher chance of saving your family if it wasn't for time STOPPING and REVERSING us back here." He frowned.

* ...If you had told me the plan, I could've helped in some way.

"Until you learn how to use your magic and control it, you're staying in this house, primarily in my lab."

He left, Sofia started laughing.

* What's so funny??

"My brother loves being serious, don't worry. C'mon, lemme show you how his lab works."

Eliza had a long week ahead of her.

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