Way to be subtle Mal, Drac thought hitting her in the arm with his elbow and giving her a look he hoped conveyed his Tone it down, thoughts.

"Yeah, it exists of course, but it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals." Ben answered.

"Who happen to be kings and queens."

"That's true!" Audrey piped up, "Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." She bragged pulling Ben's arm over her shoulders. But Ben pulled away almost instantly when he saw someone coming down the stairs.

"Doug! Doug, come down." He called as a boy with short blonde hair and glasses came down the steps wearing a band uniform. "This is Doug. He's gonna help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms. I'll see you later okay?" Ben said, though it seemed like he was talking only to Mal. "And if there is anything you need, feel free to –"

"Ask Doug." Audrey intervened again before pulling Ben out of the building as Doug introduced himself.

"Hi guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and. . . heigh ho." He paused looking at Evie.

"Evie. Evil Queen's daughter." She introduced herself stepping forward with all the confidence of a princess. Doug took a moment to recompose himself before shaking his head and looking at the clipboard in his hands.

"Okay. So about your classes. I put in the requirements already. History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet and, eh, Remedial Goodness 101." He stuttered that last bit as Mal looked over his shoulder at the schedule and popped a candy in her mouth.

"Let me guess, new class?" Doug nodded as Evie twirled her hair. "Come on guys, let's go find our dorms." Mal said dropping her candy wrapper to the floor and heading for the stairs as they followed her.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Your dorms are that way guys." Doug said pointing down another hall.


Drac was rooming with Carlos and Jay in a dorm that on the Isle would probably house at least a dozen or more kids. He found his backpack and other things on a plush chair by his bed before he flopped onto the mattress. It was hands down the most comfortable thing he'd ever laid on. Diaval flew right to the post of the canopy above and made himself comfortable. Carlos, being the tech savvy guy he was didn't take long to find a TV and a video game console. Drac took off his leather jacket leaving him in a green tee shirt, some parts of the shirt he'd taken some fishnets and a can of black spray paint and made patches of scale looking patterns. One sleeve had fallen off a long time ago and Evie had replaced it for him with a pure black one.

He wasn't sure when he'd fallen asleep but at some point drifted right off. It was dark out when he woke to Mal and Evie stopping by. His sister immediately walked over to Jay who was going through a pile of loot he'd already stolen in just that afternoon.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Mal asked him.

"It's called stealing."

"Okay, what's the point?"

"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free."

"I think she meant what's the point of stealing it when once we get the wand and free our parents we can take whatever we want anyway?" Drac said sitting up and resting his arms on his knees. Mal snapped and pointed a finger at him.

"Exactly." She agreed as Drac got up from his plush bed and joined Carlos by the video game system and they started taking turns slashing down bad guys.

"So you can do that." Mal continued, "Or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world."

"You sound just like your mom." Evie said fixing her hair in a mirror.

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now