Chapter 4

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Saturday 28.

Saturday night isn't the same without Daniel.

I send him the ultimate text of the night where I write about how sorry and desperate I am. That bastard is leaving me on 'seen'.

He left without a word yesterday. He sneaked out of the house when I was cleaning my room and didn't bother answering my calls and texting back. I am patiently waiting to see how he will make his comeback after this great act of cowardice.

Patiently... Who am I fooling? I sent him fifty messages and called him thirty times. In vain. I guess he is really mad this time.

I am about to call when I hear a loud noise outside. Walking over to the kitchen window, I see Jesse struggling to get out of his car. Damn... Is that blood?

I rush outside, not giving my ego the required time to manifest. Yeah, I don't like the guy I have a crush on but I am rushing to help cause I am human. It is complicated.

As I get closer to the car, he notices my awesome figure despite blood dripping from his head and spreading on his face.

"Don't!" He yells, holding his hand up in the air so I don't get any closer. He can't even walk straight.

"Yeah, right..." I roll my eyes and keep on walking anyway.

"Get the fuck away. I'm alright." He glares at me like I am a six year old that he can scare away.

"Not happening. You're very clearly NOT alright. Stop playing the tough guy and let me help before you collapse here. You, sprawled across the lawn with blood all over your hard head is not quite the view I want to have from my window." I try to grab his arm and as I expected, he jerks away, furious at me for trying to help.

Gosh! Danny has found himself a clone.

"Move!" He orders. Well, if this is what he wants, then I am back to minding my own business without worrying if he will make it to his room. He is a jerk and therefore not my responsibility.

I have enough to do with Danny.

"Your will, jerk." I shrug and walk back into the house without looking back at him.


I make myself some popcorn and take a seat on the couch, shaking my head at the empty spot beside me where Danny would be sitting if he was here.

Watching a movie without him sucks. I should try calling him again.

Holding my phone against my ear, I swear I can hear his ringtone from my couch when he is miles away from here. Or not...

"Life sucks." He lets out as he lets himself collapse on the couch.

"Damn, Danny! You scared me. Can't you knock?" I ask in utter fear.

"Sorry." He mumbles.

"Are you okay? I was about to call 911." I start picking up the popcorn that escaped the bowl when I jumped out of fear.

"I wish you had a good reason to call them. Like my death. Life sucks." What? Things must be really terrible for Danny to say something like this. He always has a positive attitude.

"What did you get yourself into now?" I question, narrowing my eyes to make it clear that I am aware nothing good will get out of his mouth.

"I messed up." He confesses, burying his head into my neck.

"Yeah, big time." I must find a way to stop rolling my eyes this much. Danny doesn't make things easy.

"I'm not talking about what happened yesterday. Well, I am. But not about what happened with you." He scratches the back of his head. It is never a good sign.

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