Chapter 6

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"Where's Danny?" Oscar asks while sipping his mojito like he was on vacation in Hawai. He is the only one of the group who doesn't like vodka. He says it is way too brutal and the good barbarians that we are just don't know how to appreciate fineness.

"I don't know. He's not answering my calls. Must have fallen head over heels for a girl again. Don't worry. He'll come back around." I shrug, trying to look nonchalant but Oscar is quite the observer. There is no way I can fool him.

"What would that lie sound like if you were a bit more persuasive?" He asks, closing his right hand on mine as it has been playing restlessly with the little umbrella in my Blue Lagoon.

I followed Oscar and went for a cocktail instead of Vodka shots. They are not very appealing tonight. I am not in the mood. Or maybe I have too many reasons to drink. If I start, I might not be able to stop. As my cocktail holds two ounces of Vodka, I am not letting the guys down either.

"You know I can't lie." I let my true emotion show, sinking into my despair as we wait for the others to come back from the dance floor.

"Oh! Believe me, you can. You're a pro when it comes to lying to yourself. You guys are a match made in heaven. You've got about everything you both need to make it work. And I know... I just know that you're the one who's getting in the way. I am no fortune teller but believe me when I say that you're gonna lose him and regret it if you don't quit sticking your freaking big head in the freaking sand like a freaking ostrich. Wake up! He's yours." He snaps his fingers in front of my face like he is really trying to wake me up.

"Well, that's what I call unsolicited opinion. Feels so weird to talk about Danny with you. You literally have a crush on him. End of conversation." A crush... It is definitely more than that.

My dear Oscar came out to us five years ago when his drunken ass got onto the counter and revealed his hidden feelings for Danny Baby. The latter turned white, then red. He was so drunk and confused that he left the party without a word. I followed suit, of course.

We went to his place, took a much needed shower and got in bed. He laid down and stared at the ceiling for the longest time.

Then, out of the blue, he opened up but not in a good way. He told me how much he loved Oscar as a very good friend and how he didn't want to break his heart. How he was pissed off that his friend caught feelings for him and that now things weren't going to be the same. He was dreading the awkwardness that would ruin our moments whenever we would meet the guys.

Danny felt awful for unwillingly breaking Oscar's heart by not sharing his feelings. He was devastated that, once again, someone he considered a friend fell for him. It happened so many times with so many people since kindergarten that at one point he was convinced he was cursed. He almost made me promise I would never do that to him.

Oscar, on the other hand, felt awful for casting a chill, coming out without preparation and putting Danny in a tough situation when he declared his love for him in front of everyone.

I was stuck between the two for a long time. I even lost hope of ever seeing them talk to each other again. So, imagine my surprise when I went over to Danny's place one day and found the two laughing out loud with a beer in hand. Oscar doesn't ever drink beer. He swore it was the devil's piss bottled and stored in his... Ew... Oscar shouldn't claim he is classy while talking that dirty. Literally.

Well, it turns out they talked things through and reconciled. Things just got kind of normal after that.

Oscar never mentioned his feelings for Danny again but I can still see it in his eyes. What can I say? Once you fall for Danny, you will never want anything that much ever again in life. He hypnotizes you unknowingly and makes you lose your mind. You will get attached and stuck on him, unable to move on for good. He will always have a hold on your soul without even trying.

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