Chapter 21

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She awoke to the sun ticking her skin. Oh, she slept in! Usually, she was awake at least an hour before sunrise. She had to hurry or else she was going to miss breakfast! She went to shift, but felt something heavy around her waist, which locked her into place.

Did she get tangled up in the blanket? She went to grab it, but felt warm flesh and corded muscle.



She opened her eyes, blinked at the person who lay before her. Long black lashes were sharp against his pale skin. He seemed to glow in the sunlight, much like the other times she had spent with him.

She was infact, not ready to face him.

She very slowly, and very carefully peeled herself away from him and out of the bed.

Was this what married life was like? Waking up next to someone?

It was nice, but also her stomach twisted and turned with a mix of anxiety and butterflies.

Distraction. She needed one!

Kitchen. Cooking. She dressed quietly as possible before exiting the room and going to their barebones kitchen.

Was there food? Maybe she would have to go out to the shop- Ah, but, she did not have anything to leave a note.

It looked as if the Uchiha took pity on them and gave them basic foods like milk, eggs, rice, veggies, and basic cooking utensils. It was enough, she would be able to distract herself with such.

She started cooking, body a bit sore and stomach still in knots. Living with a stranger- No, he wasn't a stranger. But, it was still enough to send her into a fit of nervs. All she knew was the Hyuuga, and their ways. This was new, very new. What did she say when he woke up? Were they going to eat together? She hoped so, as she was making two portions. Oh, but, what if it wasn't to his liking? They never really had breakfast together before, what if he was the type to skip breakfast?

"Good morning." Itachi's voice was a bit rough from sleep, and she jumped from the suddenness of it. "Careful!" She felt arms wrap around her, capturing the pan of veggies she almost flung all over the kitchen and herself.

"S-S-Sorry-" She forced out, eyes wide and hands a bit shaky. Itachi seemed to notice this, and pulled the pan from her grasp.

"May I finish cooking this?" He asked, holding his hand out towards hers. She looked to her own, where she was holding the spatula so tight she was sure it was bent out of shape. Oh- but this was supposed to be her distraction. Well, not that it was working great, but it was somewhat helping. Ah, but, it might get dangerous if she kept cooking. Reluctantly, she handed the spatula to him.

Well, breakfast was mostly done- she was just frying the veggies for one of the sides.

Breakfast together was a bit awkward, they had to eat out of pans as they had no dishes. Neither of them said much, nor talked about the night before.

The fact he was respectful enough not to mention their night was enough to calm her a fair bit. Soon, it was their calm, quiet atmosphere they had both grown used too. Well, at least, mostly. There was an awkward feeling that seemed to choke her. But, she was handling it rather well.

"We will need to get some shopping done today, are you able?" Itachi asked, scrubbing the pan. He had finished before her and started to clean before she had the chance too.

Was she up to go out in public, see people, and shop?

No. No she was not. But, they had little to no furniture. In order to have more ease, they would need to go.


She was going to have to face this new life anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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