Chapter 13

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At some point, Naruto had weaseled his way into her circle of almost-friends, which consisted of Choji, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, and Ino. They were often in attendance at clan gatherings, so she had the opportunity to get acquainted with them. They were known as almost-friends because they were held at an arms length due to her clan and shyness. He too, was now at arms length. Which, is where he would have to stay. She still loved him, and could not bear to let him any closer then that.

Despite her obvious awkwardness, Naruto now sat beside her in class, and often stayed with them at breaks. Before, she was not brave enough to invite him to play, nor talk to him. Yet, he was now almost always present. When he wasn't busy playing pranks or harassing the teacher, he was with them.

She had gotten slightly more comfortable, but still struggled with talking with him. Luckily, he had not pushed her to the point of fainting since the day he yelled for her to be his wife. Whenever he was about to touch her, or overload her, Sasuke would intervene. Thank goodness, as she was easily overwhelmed.

"Naruto-kun!" She laughed as he stuck his head around the tree. In his nostrils were two clover flowers, and he wore marker to make his face look funny.

"Dobe." Sasuke sighed. The raven-haired boy leaned against her ever so slightly, their arms just barely touching. She smiled, watching as Naruto wiggled his eyebrows at them.

Their time had become much livelier since Naruto started to hang around them. Sasuke acted as if he hated the boy, but knew he actually didn't mind him. Well, as long as he didn't get to close to her. He was still very protective.

"Itachi-nii will be returning tonight." Sasuke started, eyes forward, ignoring Naruto as he did something silly trying to get their attention. She nodded. He had wrote a letter to her during his mission to ask for some of her time tonight. She agreed for 2 hours. It was not a lot, but she was still on thin ice from skipping class, and had to be home before sundown.

They had agreed to meet up at the same place, on-top the kage mural. It had become something like their special spot. She already had a meal prepped and ready to be cooked when she got home for him.

"I-I know." She replied, giggling with Naruto sagged to the ground dramatically.

"Don't ignore meeeeeee." The blonde whined, eyes watering.

"Maybe if you weren't such a dobe-" Sasuke glared. Naruto shot up, eyes ablaze.

"Teme! Don't-"

Ring ring.

The boys glared at eachother, but started to make their way inside.

"Hey Hinata-chan!" She blinked, looking at who had called her. It was Kiba, he had his arm raised waving and was smiling big. She smiled back, waving at him and the hooded boy beside him. Shino nodded in return.

"Go… On without me." She said to Naruto and Sasuke, who were still glaring at eachother. She slipped away, before trotting over to Shino and Kiba.

Kiba glanced over her shoulder to the boys who were entering the school.

"That idiot isn't bothering you, right?" Kiba asked while scratching the back of his head awkwardly. Akumaru yipped from his jacket, his little puppy tongue darting out and staying stuck out. Gosh, he was so cuteeeeeee. If only… One pet. No, she had to resist. It was improper to touch the Kiba clans dogs while in training!

"N-No he isn't?" She answered, pulling her gaze from the cute pup. She had paused a bit to long in her puppy brain, but the boys didn't seem to take it as odd. Thank goodness.

However, this was a rather odd occurrence. Kiba and Shino very rarely interacted with her outside of clan events. The last time it was because they had an assignment together.

"Go-Good!" Kiba stuttered, before going deeply red. "Because- Last week- He made you faint right. Shino and I were just worried!" He babbled, before quickly stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking to the side. Shino nodded, as if agreeing with what Kiba said.

Oh, they were worried for her. "Th-Thank you." She beamed at them, both of them looking rather awkward. It was a very sweet notion for them to check in on her. It was much more then what she deserved from them.

If only… Her father….

Maybe she could ask… If she could become friends.

The pain of the birtching brought her back.

No… It was better to keep them at arms length.

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