Chapter 12

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Zeelee-Vallen: Hello my lovies! I am sorry for being absent so much. I decided to focus on my original stories most! Fanfiction will forever be special to me, and I will always come back. Fanfiction is like a place of comfort. Alas, I also want to grow as a writer, and work on gaining a different population of readers then fanfic!

But, y'all have a special place in my heart.

I love you all so much.

xxXXxXX Itachi XXXxx

The woman in his arms shifted, a few strands of hair sticking to her sweaty cheek. Brown eyes, a few shades lighter than his, blinked open to look at him. He was tempted to ravage her again, with her being so endearing. Alas, he would be late for the meeting with his fiancé.

Izumi smiled at him, and he kissed her cheek in return. "It's that time..?" Her smile turned into a frown, so he kissed it away.

She kissed back, before groaning slightly when he pulled away. It was hard to leave the warm confines of her bed, and her sweet embrace. But, he did so swiftly. It was his duty, after all.

After all, he shouldn't leave his little fiancé waiting. He felt a bit dirty, going to see his intended after sleeping with his lover. Perhaps, ever so slightly, he worried Izumi's scent would stay with him.

But, it was never stated they needed to be exclusive with one another until after the vows had been taken.

Izumi rolled over, her bare body a feast for his eyes.

She just had to make it harder for him, he smirked. Such a tease.

He pulled on his shirt, before leaning down and giving her a small kiss. It was time for him to go, regardless.

He arrived to the meeting place; a bit too fast. Hinata however, was faster. She was sitting on a blanket, nose in a book, looking as if she had been there for hours. Was he late?

No, it was about the right time.

He watched as big lavender eyes turned to him. She smiled big, but quickly pulled a book to her nose to hide it. Her eyes still crinkled, showing she was still smiling despite the obstruction.

How cute.

At least she had begun to fear him less. She was a little bundle of nerves the day they signed their bodies away to their clans, he was glad to see she wasn't always like that.

"Hello, Hinata-san." He greeted, taking a seat on the blanket.

"He-hello, Uchiha-san." She greeted back, putting her book away. So, she liked to read as well? That was good. That meant that they could have some common ground.

"What do you prefer to read, Hinata-san?" He watched as she flushed heavily, her eyes wide.

Oh? What a strange reaction.

"I-I-" She paused, taking a small breath. "I like all types." He watched as she began to chew her lip, her eyes darting to the side. It was as if she was having an internal battle. "I… Very much enjoy books about flowers and different plants." She added, quietly.

"I see."

"I… I…" She crumpled under her own words. It was rather amusing watching her place together her thoughts. Her expressions gave away so much. Unlike him. After many years of being a Shinobi, he lost most of his ability to show his feelings. In a way, he envied her cute little panic. "I saw you reading Medicinal herbs and where to find them, yesterday." Hm, perhaps she was a bit more observant than he thought. "I-… Also read that one." She poked her fingers together, eyes averted. "Perhaps… We can… Talk about it?" Why was she so shy over something like this? Of course, he would enjoy a discussion.

"Yes." Her elbow bumped the basket, bringing his attention back to it. The smell of fresh baked sweets hit his nose, making his mouth water. Could it be? "First, what is in the basket?" He inquired. Once again, she was red, and fumbling over herself. It was surprising the Hyuuga could have such an expressive offspring. Any Hyuuga he had worked with in the past were ice. Yet, she was… Soft, and sweet. An ideal little sister, he thought.

"I… I… I baked some sweets! I.. Was not sure what you would like- So I made…" She tailed off as she opened the basked. Inside was a wide variety of different sweets, including dango.

"May I?" He asked, eyeing the dango. She nodded fervently, her short hair flying all over. He plucked one of the sticks of dango, before taking a bite.

Amazing. He glanced at Hinata, who was looked at him with big eyes. Perhaps she was a bit nervous for him to eat her sweets?

"Very good." He said, taking another bite. She beamed.

Yes, the ideal little sister. He smiled back, before reaching out and ruffling her hair. She blushed, and looked so proud.

It seemed to take very little to make her happy.


A/N: I think they pretty cute. I am excited to watch their relationship grow, and change as time goes on.

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