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Catra new what she was doing. She knew that laying seductively across her and Adora's bed while sporting black, laced lingerie was going to drive her absolutely crazy. That was the goal though I mean it was her birthday after all.

Sure enough the blondie's jaw went slack the minute she entered the room. Holy shit Catra looked beyond gorgeous and Adora would be lying if she said that she hadn't thought about this before. Hell she fantasizes about almost anything to do with her and her girlfriend in the bedroom, but this!? Holy shit! She never thought that she'd ever get a chance at anything even remotely close to this.

Catra grew nervous while under the attention of the blonde's dumbstruck gaze so she said the only natural phrase that came to mind.

"Hey Adora."

She said it so seductively that Adora thought her heart might combust. I mean she was used to the flirtatious side of her feline companion, but this time it held a hint of something extra, something new.

Love, undying, unconditional love.

Feeling a newfound confidence bloom inside of her, she stripped down to her own lingerie which just so happened to be a bright red.

"Hey Catra," She drawled. She then practically pounced onto the bed and laid on top of her. Catra blushed at Adora's choice of attire.

"Not fair," She whined. "This is supposed to be your birthday."

"Mhmm and it still is," The blonde smirked. "Do you have any idea how long I've been dreaming of this moment."

"Mm no how long?" Catra asked, wanting this moment to last for as long as humanly possible.

"Since the moment I laid eyes on you Kitty," Adora cooed. She cradled Catra's face in her hands and stroked her thumbs up and down her furry cheeks. The feline trilled and purred in satisfaction. The blonde tried her best to hold back a squeal of adoration.

"You're so cute!" Adora squeaked.

"Mm the cutest," Catra agreed, clearly not thinking due to the endless amount of affection she was receiving. Adora laughed so hard at this that she started wheezing and snorting uncontrollably. It was because of this that Catra finally managed to break out of her relaxed stupor and realize what she had said.

"What! No! I said nothing of the sort!" She retorted.

"Pffff HAHAHAHAHA!" Adora roared in laughter. "You did too! You can't take it back!"

"Oh shut up!" Catra defended lamely, but she confirmed Adora's answer for her as she hurriedly smashed her lips against her own.

I was going to add more to this, but it's late and I'm tired. If yall want a part 2 or rather a more smutty story next time just let me know. Goodnight!

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