Catradora Prom AU - Love Ain't Part 1

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Catra hated him... no she absolutely dispised him.  She hated his obnoxious bright green hair, his stuck up better than everyone attitude, but most of all she despised the way he treated Adora.  He was constantly forcing her to wear only the clothes he picked out for her, telling her how to behave in public, deciding who she should be allowed to hang out with, and if she disobeys he yells at her, insults her, and hits her.                                       

Catra growls and extends her claws. 

"Woah easy there don't get to hasty," Glimmer says putting a hand on her wrist.  Reluctantly Catra sheaths her claws and watches that pathetic excuse of a man yell at Adora to pick out a different dress.  They were shopping for prom outfits.  Catra allready had hers picked out she, Glimmer, Bow, Scorpia, and Perfuma devised a plan to get Adora away from that bastard once and for all and maybe even make Adora hers.  Ha!  That was a fantasy at best she would never get that chance so she spent the best part of her life admiring her blonde best friend from afar.  Her perfectly toned abs, her mesmerizing blue eyes, her jaw dropping smile, and her sing song voice the woman was perfect to Catra though she'd never get the chance to show her just how much she loved her. 

She watched as Adora's boyfriend Eric escorted her out of the store and scowled.  She then felt someone tap her shoulder.  She glanced behind her and saw Sparkles in a sparkly purple dress.

"Hey how does this one look?"  Glimmer asked.  Catra grinned deviously, her fang showing. 

"Great, suits you perfectly," she answered. 

"Hey he's gonna pay for what he's done," Glimmer said vengfully, motioning to the exit. 

Catra smiled "And if our plan doesn't work I'll be sure to beat him up maybe knock his ego down a bit."  Glimmer laughed that was typical Catra mean, but secretly a big softy and a huge simp when it came to Adora.  She was fiercely protective and loyal in Glimmers mind and definetly much better for Adora than Eric. 

They paid for the dress and Glimmer drove them home.  Catra made sure to iron her white suit she had picked out a week ago.  She knew Eric would show up in his signature $200 green tux and his Porsche on top of his ego he was filthy rich.  Catra wasn't going to let a pathetic man and his big ego stand in the way of her plan and she sure as hell wasn't going to put up with his abuse toward her best friend any longer. 

This is part 1 I will do part 2 tomorrow it will be the final part hope you are enjoying the story so far stay tuned for more. 

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