Chapter 7: Family

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Katara pressed, seeing a hint of an opening. "Why not?" she asked. "It could give us a chance to try figuring things out before we decide to invite her to the wedding. Plus, we've both been so busy. Maybe it would be good for us to get away for a little while."

She watched him closely. What seemed like a torrent of thoughts passed behind his eyes. His hand subconsciously massaged his chin. She held on to hope. "What do you think?" she asked.

Zuko let out a sigh. His lips pursed in frustration. "I can't," he finally said.

He noticed the disappointment in Katara's eyes at his response. "Not that I don't want to!" he quickly added. "It's just that we stayed so long in the Water Tribe. Everything piled up. Even now, I'm still just trying to catch up. There's no way I could leave now."

For a moment, Katara felt so foolish. Of course Zuko couldn't go! She knew this already. It was the same reason they'd hardly spent any time together. She couldn't ask him to just drop everything and take her on a vacation.

Then again...

"What if I went by myself?" she asked.

Zuko's eyes furrowed in confusion. "Are you serious?" he asked.

Katara honestly surprised herself at how serious she truly was. "Yeah, I'm serious," she responded. "The wedding planning is mostly done. We still have a few months to tie up the final details, and my lessons are going really well. I think I can take some time away without any trouble."

"I'm not worried about your schedule, Katara," Zuko said pointedly. He crossed his arms over his chest in displeasure. 

"I know," she responded calmly. She knew exactly what he was worried about.

He couldn't stop her.

Zuko had learned a long time ago that, when Katara was determined, there was absolutely no use in trying to talk her out of it. It was a trait in her that the young Fire Lord both admired and hated.

Katara left for Ember Island as soon as arrangements could be made. 

She couldn't help feeling nostalgic as the small Fire Navy ship approached the island. From the deck, she could see the sandy beaches where she and her friends had briefly shared some fun and relaxation, a rare opportunity for Team Avatar. She could see the main square nearby the approaching docks. The theater, which hosted the Ember Island Players, was there. She cringed a bit at the memory.

Lastly, on the distant hill, overlooking the resort town, she saw the Fire Lord's villa. A bittersweet smile crossed her lips. She remembered the last days leading up to the arrival of Sozin's Comet. She remembered watching Zuko and Aang as they'd trained together in the courtyard.

Katara had been worried about Aang, but her eyes were drawn to Zuko. His firebending technique was fascinating to her, only slightly moreso than his lean, chiseled physique. His movements were calculated and precise - so different from her own waterbending discipline - but hypnotizing as well. It's what had driven her to study firebending extensively and, eventually, develop her own waterbending style based on firebending techniques.

The ship pulled into the dock, and the crew prepared to disembark. Katara sighed as she was brought back to the present. She quickly retreated to her cabin to collect her things.

Her escort of Royal Guards waited vigilantly for her as she descended the gangplank. A small group of citizens watched curiously from a short distance - eager to see who this important arrival might be.

Katara could make out a few of the mutterings amidst the onlookers.

"Who is that?"

"Is that the future Fire Lady?"

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