Chapter 7: Family

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The next evening, Katara sat at dinner. Zuko sat at the head of the table to her left. She'd just given him the usual updates on the wedding planning and on how her lessons were going.

Now, they ate silently, but there was one more thing on her mind. She was just terrified to bring it up.

Eventually, she gathered up the nerve and set her utensils down.

"Zuko," she said.

"Hmm?" came the response as he continued to eat.

"I want to invite your sister to the wedding." She said it as firmly as she could.

Zuko nearly choked on his food in surprise, suffering a coughing fit. He quickly took a drink from his cup and tried to collect himself.

"You what?!" he asked in disbelief.

"I want Azula to be at our wedding," she responded stubbornly.

"What could possibly make you want that?" he insisted.

"She's your sister, Zuko."

"Yeah! My sister - who has repeatedly attempted to kill one or both of us!" Zuko answered sarcastically.

"I understand that!" she said in frustration. Her fists slammed on the table, taking Zuko aback. "I was there, remember? You almost died right in front of me because of what she did!"

Her frustration quickly escalated to anger, and her voice rose until she was actually shouting at him. "But at the end of the day, she's your sister, and, like it or not, she will be my sister-in-law! Is it really so hard to believe that I might want to have some kind of relationship with your family?!"

With her tirade complete, Katara came to herself. Her eyes focused on Zuko, and her heart sank. His eyes were wide - his expression frozen in blank surprise.

Katara sat back in her chair, lowering her head in shame. How could she talk to him like that? It wasn't his fault that he might feel the way he did about Azula. "I'm sorry," she muttered. "That wasn't fair."

His hand touched her arm gently. Katara returned her gaze to her fiancé. His expression had changed to one of deep thoughtfulness, clearly trying to contemplate her words. A sad smile crossed his lips. "It's ok." His voice was nearly a whisper. "I didn't know you felt that way."

Zuko hesitated. His voice became shaky and unsure. "I don't know how to face Azula," he said. His gaze drooped. Katara could tell this was a heavy and difficult topic for him. "We were close when we were little, but, after everything that's happened, I don't know if we could ever be that way again."

Katara asked timidly, "Do you want to be close with her again?"

His lips tightened as he pondered the question. "I don't know," he said hopelessly. "I really don't know."

The atmosphere became tense and awkward. Katara sat nervously as her mind scrambled for what to say. She thought, maybe I should just let it go. Maybe this is asking too much, but she couldn't let it go. She wanted this even though she couldn't fully explain why. She thought hard, searching for a way to make this hope come true.

"What if...," she pondered out loud. "We went to see her?"

Zuko was, again, caught by surprise. "Visit Azula?" he asked incredulously. 

Katara nodded hesitantly. "Before the wedding," she clarified. 

Zuko was stunned silent. All he could do was reach to rub the back of his neck uncomfortably. He grimaced at the thought, but he wasn't outright opposed.

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