Chapter 4: Consideration

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The next morning, Katara sat in front of her mirror. Her head rested in her hands as she stared at the open box on the desk. Inside, the polished gold and silver pendant of her new betrothal necklace stared right back at her.

The events of the previous night, as well as the emotions involved, were quite fresh on her conscience. She'd been in this same position, staring at the necklace, since long before sunrise. The whole time, her mind had been on the Fire Lord and his sudden proposal.

The pressure of the whole situation was too much for her. How was she supposed to respond?

Marry Zuko? How? And why? Why me?

Her father had been openly pleased with the idea. Of course, he'd always been fond of Zuko. Ever since the then-prince had helped Sokka rescue him from the Boiling Rock, her father had treated Zuko like a second son.

Katara wasn't necessarily opposed to the idea either. Zuko was a great guy. He was kind, understanding, and dutiful, and she'd only be lying if she said he wasn't handsome. He'd proven many times over to be a loyal friend to her, even going so far as to sacrifice himself for her.

The image of Zuko throwing himself between her and a deadly bolt of lightning flashed through Katara's mind. He'd survived, of course, but the sentiment remained.

Katara sighed deeply as the memory passed. Yes, Zuko was a truly amazing person and possibly her dearest friend, but was there anything more to their relationship than that?

She remembered the funeral. She remembered the horrific pain she saw within him, hidden behind his stoic façade. She'd wanted nothing more than to comfort him then, to relieve him of his agony. She'd been willing to take it all upon herself if that's what he'd needed.

Her mind then returned to the crystal caverns of Old Ba Sing Se. She saw herself reaching up to gently touch his scar. As far as she knew, she was the only person he'd ever allowed to do that. In that moment, he'd trusted her like he'd never trusted anyone before or, to her knowledge, ever again since. In that sacred moment, she'd seen his pain and wished with all her heart to free him from it.

It was the same feeling on both occasions. She recognized that now, but what to call it... She'd always dreamed of a true romance, one where she wanted to give everything for that special person and he for her.Is this it? Is this... love? She couldn't say.

Her mind shifted to the more... practical aspects of the arrangement. If she married Zuko, what would that accomplish? If the motivations behind the proposal were political, then - of course - she had to also consider things from that perspective, right?

What Iroh had said the night before was true. Katara wasn't a "princess" - not like Yue. She was, however, no less a figurehead for the Southern Water Tribe. As Iroh had pointed out, she was one of the Young Heroes. She did help Zuko defeat Azula for the Fire Nation throne. Regardless of her lack of "royal" lineage, she was still the daughter of the Chief, and her renown as a master waterbender and healer was constantly growing. At the very least, Katara could be confident that her marriage to Zuko would indeed represent the new world view of unity and acceptance that she and many others wished to inspire.

There were also some perks to the political union. The Southern Tribe was reformed, yes, but there were still so many things that needed serious work within the city itself. New building plans and matters of public health were foremost in her mind. With support from the Fire Nation, many of the projects relative to these topics could be completed so much faster and more effectively. The Southern Tribe could also call upon the Fire Nation for military protection if need be. She could be instrumental in providing those resources for her people.

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