Rhain looks over to find Tristan, "Great, you made it!" She grabs onto his arm and then asks, "Are you okay?" He nods and Nathaniel walks out the door, "Oh, your back, your next." Tristan nods and walks past Nathaniel and switches his eyes to blue. "What happened to him, I'm so sure that I saw flames coming from his eyes." She shakes her head, "I don't know." she goes to sit down on the seat, "Want to go explore?" looking up at him discombobulated, "No. I don't plan on getting in trouble in Hell, so go by yourself." He sits beside her, "Then explain to me what you said to get that demon so angry his eyes were burning up." She turns to face him, "I didn't do anything! He turned around and the next thing I knew he was angry." He laughs and she gets up, "Where are you going?" She looks back and smiles, "Like you said, go explore Hell." Walking away through the hallway, she hears him shout from behind, "Rhain!" She quickly hides in a small gap she can fit in. "Rhain! You'll get lost!" Soon enough his voice was a distant memory, she gets up and brushes herself off. The hallway in front was lit with flames so she walked down carefully, and at the end, she found two kids. "Tristan's brothers." Alcaeus looks towards her and Zaid walks over handing her a fireball, "Want to play with me?" She looks down and smiles. "Okay." She takes it into her hand, "Ah! it's hot." Both boys laugh and Alcaeus says, "Angels struggle to hold Fireballs but Demons can easily hold them, it won't harm you." She nods and looks around, "What are we throwing them at?" Zaid points, "We throw them at 'Puff Olof' and whoever hits it the most times wins!" She throws the fireball, "Does this hurt them?" Alcaeus shakes his head and places his book on his legs. "No. To them it's like a massage, they can be vicious if we were actually hurting them we'd probably all be dead. They haven't been in danger for centuries nor have they attacked anyone since the last war." She nods, "Interesting, in heaven we have a creature that's somewhat like this, they also don't fight anymore but we also don't interact with them as we haven't studied them enough to know." Zaid looks at her sad, "They must be very lonely." She shakes her head, "I wouldn't know but they have each other so I'm sure they're fine, let's continue with the game." Rhain picks up another ball and throws it high up.

Tristan stands by the opening and watches as she plays happily, he smiles and Alcaeus notices him. Tristan steps back and places his finger on his lips, Alcaeus nods and looks to Rhain. "Hey! that's cheating." She laughs and shakes her head, "You never said flying wasn't an option." Zaid grabs her leg, "Flying is not allowed." His stern voice concerns her, "Why is that?" He looks at her and he shakes his head, she kneels and takes his hand. "My wings... they're broken." She shakes her head, "Then we won't fly, but please may I see your wings?" He takes them out and she takes hold of the left wing. "Does it feel better?" His eyes water and she looks at him, "Did it hurt!" He shakes his head and hugs her, "Thank you, they feel much better now." She hugs him back and smiles, "Can you try to fly? if you can't I don't want you to feel bad about it, a lot of Angels have broken wings. Flying isn't what makes you, you have amazing powers and a beautiful personality to go with that." He smiles and nods, spreading out his small wings and flapping them about. He slowly lifts off the ground, Alcaeus jumps off the stone hinge and runs over. "Amazing." Tristan moves in closer, "She is, isn't she." She looks back and smiles, Zaid drops down softly and looks at her with tears in his eyes. "Thank you." Tristan smiles and ruffles his hair, "Let's continue playing the game together, I already know I'll win." Zaid shakes his head, "I've been practising, I'll definitely win!" Tristan smiles showing teeth, his eyes squinted, it made Rhain flustered as she hadn't seen him like that before. "Okay then, we will see. Alcaeus? play with us." He picks up his book indicating his intentions. "Yes, but your brother will soon be too busy for you, and you will look back and wish you had spent those moments having fun." Alcaeus puts his book down and walks over, "Are you ready to lose, Rhain?" She blinks twice and looks at him, "Huh?" He goes to speak and she says, "I won't lose. Zaid has taught me everything, I'll beat all three of you." He smiles kindly and picks up a ball, "Okay, let's see, because when I was watching you, you cheated by flying." He laughs and she nudges him, "I wasn't aware of that rule." Zaid jumps up and down, "Let me go first! Let me go first!" Alcaeus rolls his eyes and folds his arms, "Okay Zaid, please stop that, we will go youngest to oldest." Tristan nods and indicates Rhain in front of him, "Thank you." He bows slightly and her cheeks rise, "Go ahead Zaid." He nods and his face was all serious, he threw his ball and it went far. "Hmph, it didn't hit them." Alcaeus smiles and pushes his glasses up, "That was weak, even for you." Alcaeus swings and he looks around confused, "Huh?" Everyone starts bursting out with laughter, "What are you laughing at! Where did it go?" Tristan points and Zaid shakes his and demands a redo, "Sorry buddy, next round." Rhain threw hers and it was no better than Alcaeus, "I guess it's my turn to collect the crown, It's sad really, none of you guys went even close to where I'd hope." He throws it and hits the highest point on the Puff Olof, "What did I say! I am and always will be the best at this game." Zaid throws a fireball at Tristan, "Ah! That's a sore loser move." Alcaeus laughs and throws one at him too, "This is now bullying guys." Rhain picks up one and throws it at him too, "Okay, Okay. You're all sore losers!" They all begin to gang up on him, he then starts picking them up and throwing it at them. "This isn't a fair game!" Rhain stops and laughs, "Well you shouldn't have shown off." Her smile made Tristan stop in his tracks and Zaid threw one last one, "Alright, alright, you got even." He brushes himself off and stares at Rhain, Rhain kneels and speaks to Zaid. Alcaeus looks at Tristan and hits him, "Your staring." Tristan shakes his head, "No I wasn't." Alcaeus laughs and walks back over to the rock and Tristan walks over to Rhain and Zaid. "I'm glad you had fun." She laughs slightly, "Yeah, this was good." He bites his lip and nods.

The BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora