"...where am... i?"

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.... It was a rainy night and y/n was in her mansion as she was searching for the plates as her red tentacles were making takoyaki and the cyan tentacles were helping the red tentacle make the takoyaki, then y/n noticed,"hmm... I don't have green onion.. I will go get some since my maids are sleeping..", y/n said in her smooth quite voice, she turned off the stove and went to her huge room that looked like this

", y/n said in her smooth quite voice, she turned off the stove and went to her huge room that looked like this

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Y/n got her jacket and her shoes and ran downstairs and she ran outside and started running to the store until she bumped into somthing but almost fell but her tentacles helped her not fall, she bowed down and apologized, but the person had there ...

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Y/n got her jacket and her shoes and ran downstairs and she ran outside and started running to the store until she bumped into somthing but almost fell but her tentacles helped her not fall, she bowed down and apologized, but the person had there head down,a mask covering there face, a hoodie covering there hair and body, and there hands in there hoodie pockets, y/n was confused and her tentacles started rubbing her head since it does that cause when she's confused her tentacles rub her head, y/n backed up and saw the person taking somthing out of there pocket, it was a note, they gave it to y/n and disappeared in thin air, y/n looked at the note, the note saying "madrigal" , y/n looked confused but just shook her head and ran to the store, grabbed green onions, went back to her house , made food and ate it, changed into her pajames

Y/n got her jacket and her shoes and ran downstairs and she ran outside and started running to the store until she bumped into somthing but almost fell but her tentacles helped her not fall, she bowed down and apologized, but the person had there ...

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And went to sleep,........ y/n woke up since it was morning and she sat up, until she realized she wasn't in her house..?"...where am...I?"

Yandere encanto x emotionless readerWhere stories live. Discover now