Author's note

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Firstly I apologise for the no update I'll update in a couple days <3

Secondly, holy fuck guys woah 1.44k views?? On this shitty story??? Thank you so much I appreciate each and every single one of you and I love whenever anyone comments, I see them all and I am virtually hugging you okay??

Thirdly, I was actually about to delete the book because of the bad fucking grammar and no editting and no smooth scene change. So my grammar is usually good but I don't edit my stories so there might be some (MANY) errors which I apologise for and I don't really know how to write stories so sometimes the scenes are too fast or sometimes they are too slow. I swear I'll get better in the future. I'll try my best!! I have my entrance exam on 4th and I have some chapters I wrote long ago as drafts but yeah.

You all are absolutely amazing and if someone needs to tell me anything, like critical advice yk, please private message me and I'll be thankful to you!!

-Have a good day/night guys<33

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