Chapter 20

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A/N: This is a long filler episode which just shows how Manishi's relationship is with everyone. Nothing of importance happens in this so it might be boring which I apologise for! This might be the size of 2-3 chapters.

To my pleasant surprise, they didn't have to carry me since after dropping Draken to the hospital, the ambulance came to pick me up.

Hinata and Emma were telling me that Draken is fine and the surgery went well and that the guys were sitting in the hospital while the whole gang was outside. I was in a lot of pain from every inch of my body and it hurt whenever I moved even a little bit.

I remember the scene where Mikey was crying all alone in the dark and I got really sad since I couldn't go to him.

'Wait. Why can't I? I can! I will. Fuck the pain. Mikey is more important.' I thought to myself.

I asked Hinata and Emma to leave me alone since I had to do something and they understood. I told them to distract the doctors by telling them I'm pooping or something. They hesitated but trusted me and nodded.

God, I love them so much.

I didn't want to tear my IVs like how many protagonists did since that looked very painful and I hate pain, so I picked up the whole stand, and two lollipops I found on the bedside table and sneaked to the back of the hospital where Mikey was supposed to be. Luckily, no one was there to look at me. I was wincing with every step but I tried to focus on finding Mikey. He was my priority.

I search for Mikey for a couple of minutes and find him sitting, leaning against a wall. He had his hand over his face and was crying.

"...Ken-chin, Nishi-chin...Don't worry me like that!" He said, sobbing. I felt myself trying to control the tears and walked up to him. He didn't notice me until I was a couple steps away from him which was surprising since I was not walking lightly at all.

He looked at me in shock and looked away and rubbed his tears. I sat down beside him, wincing and groaning in pain, but I wanted to comfort him. 

"Cry all you want, I'm here." I said to him. He looked at me with teary eyes and hugged me. He started sobbing in my chest while I held him as best as I could, while still gripping the stand. It was painful since he was holding me where I had my stab wound on. Emma told me I ripped open my stitches from the fight so it started to hurt me again. I tried to control the painful hiss since Mikey needed me more and hugged him tighter. I was probably choking him with my boobs now but I didn't think about it much. 

We sat there for 10 minutes when Mikey started to calm down. He looked at me with red eyes which made my heart clench since I never wanted to see him cry like this again. I rubbed his head and he rested his head against my chest, while still hugging me.

"I never want to see Kenchin or you like that again. All beat up and close to death. I failed to protect you both." Mikey sniffled.

"No no no, Mikey, you protected us! You protected everyone in Toman! You protected Peh-yan too! That's an awesome thing in itself. You're only a human, Mikey. You can't be everywhere. Don't shoulder the burden by yourself, dumbass. There are many people who care about both of you. They would gladly help you when you need help, Mikey. Ask for help when you need it, it's okay." I say, still rubbing his hair. He stayed silent for a couple of minutes and I thought he went to sleep until he stood up and gave me his hand. I took it and tried to stand up without wincing as much as I can so that Mikey doesn't get worried. He saw it probably but didn't say anything.

"You should be resting Nishi-chin! The doctors must be worried about you. Let me take you to your room." Mikey smiled at me. We were walking to my room when I realised that he was still holding my hand. I looked at our hands intertwined and Mikey saw that and held my hand tighter, making me blush. So we walked, me holding the IV stand and Mikey's hand while he kept me from falling down again and again.

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