Chapter Eleven: A Reoccurence Of The Past

Start from the beginning

"You know Robin, some things you do I really admire," Nellie commented and then followed behind as everyone started to head on inside after Steve had twisted the doorknob to unlock the door to the house that had once belonged to the Creels.

Once inside the creepy-looking, isolated house they started to wander around the hallway until Max called everyone over to a familiar clock that she had seen in her dream. This was the same clock that Nellie had once seen when she had been younger and sent off to the darker side of the world which was now called the upside down. This was what had controlled her age and made her a lot younger than she should have been in the current year of 1986.

Nellie stared at the clock and then turned towards max who asked if everyone else could see it as well. "Is this the clock that you saw in your visions?" She asked Max curiously, receiving a nod in return to confirm that it indeed was the exact same clock.

"I mean- it's just a clock." Robin paused for a moment before adding. "Right?" She asked wiping the dust from it. "Like a normal old clock."

Steve shrugged, "why is this wizard so obsessed with clocks? Maybe he'd like a clockmaker or something?"

Nellie laughed at what Dustin had said next. "Well done I think you've cracked the case, Steve." He'd said sarcastically.

However, Nancy soon stopped them all and told them they had to be serious because the clues were definitely in this house and in order to find them they'd have to stay on task and not let anything distract them. She was determined to stay until she found at least something more, something even Nellie didn't know yet and she wasn't prepared to leave until she had.

Everyone soon got into pairs of two and started to explore the different parts of the house, each being assigned a room by Nancy who often took lead when it came to this sort of thing. She was the brain and well everyone else just really followed like a herd of sheep. She definitely held the power in the group and kept them together a bit like glue and Nancy had noticed that from observation.

Nancy turned toward Steve and gave him a sarcastic smile. "Looks like you're stuck with me lover boy because all your children happen to have left you. Even your favourite Dustin." She teased him.

He sighed and rolled his eyes as he headed up to stairs. How dare Dustin has left him like that, especially with her?

"What? You got a problem with me lover boy?" She asked, frowning slightly. "You know if you get to know someone they don't turn out as bad as you think." She told him with an amused chuckle.

"Look just come on man I'm not in the mood to talk let's just look for clues like Nancy wanted yeah?" He said whilst walking into a room full of cobwebs and darkness.

"I'm not a man I'm very much a woman." She stated, messing with him on purpose. "Look I'm telling you if you get to know me I'm not as bad as you expect but anyway this Nancy you like her hm?"

Steve glared at her, "what is wrong with you?" He asked her.

Nellie laughed, "many many things. This is the most fun I've had in ages, to be honest. Looking for clues and trying to save ourselves and Hawkins from an enemy it's as if it's all from some movie."

"Hm, I suppose it is but hey for you I suppose it's a reoccurrence of the past isn't it?" He said. "How's it feel?" He asked curiously, shining the torch onto the floor as he went through an old grate that was full of jars with weird dead plants and creatures in them.

Nellie looked at the jars and then started to walk around the room whilst answering Steve's question, "it's actually not as bad as I expected but seeing it all again just makes me think of things I didn't think I'd ever think about again... parts of my past I mean.

Steve listened despite looking through the jars and nodded, "understandable I have remembers of my past sometimes too but hey some blood families suck. I find that if you're supported by your friends then that's when you're most happy."

Nellie nodded slowly as she picked up one of the jars and observed it, "yeah I mean I wouldn't know I've never had many as sad as it sounds but I'm sure it does make you happy." She said with a small smile.

Steve raised his brow and then half smiled, "well I guess you are stuck with us now so as lame as it sounds you're now our friend." He told her but was cut off by the light flickering.

Suddenly out of nowhere the light in the room started to flicker on and off every few seconds as if a powercut was about to occur. It was far from strange though considering that every one of them in that house was certain there had been no power. It did make Steve think, however, about Will years before who had contacted Joyce through the lights. He thought that maybe Vecna was trying to do the same thing, maybe he was lurking somewhere in the shadows waiting to attack.

When they'd both heard a shout from the others they raced back to the hallway and stood below a chandelier that was doing the exact same thing, flickering on and off, on and off like some sort of signal.

"It's just like the Christmas lights," Nancy commented, staring at the chandelier that once again flickered.

"The Christmas lights?" Nellie questioned in confusion.

Nancy nodded, "when someone we know, Will was in the upside down the Christmas lights came to life and were used as communication as if he was telling us where he was." She explained.

"Vecna's here." Lucas paused as if processing it. "In this house.. just on the other side," he said and at the same time the chandelier lost all of its life almost like the wind to a candle and shut off.

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