Chapter Six: Mysterious Dissapearence

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Escaping the lab had felt like a luxury, one that hadn't ever seemed possible but now they had done it they felt powerful and indestructible. However, it wasn't for long because just as they had reached the elevator to exit the building, everything shut down and the hallway they were in turned pitch black. The last flicker of the light seemed to represent the last bit of hope that Nellie and Henry had had of escaping because now they didn't stand a chance. The guards would arrive any minute and with no other way out they were stranded.

Nellie turned to Henry and shook her head, "that's it, we are stuck and are gonna be killed for disobeying the rules that were made by papa.." she whispered to him, disappointment and worry now evident on her pale white face.

Henry seemed to be muttering something to himself and pacing around the room, not paying any attention to what Nellie had been saying. He tried to think of a plan, another solution to their problem but there wasn't one. They were well and truly stuck now and like Nellie had said they'd be facing serious consequences when returning to the laboratory.

"This is your fault.. all your fault! I said we shouldn't leave!" She spoke a little louder, her insides boiling.

However it wasn't entirely his fault at all, she just chose to blame him because she didn't want to blame herself. In all fairness, they both shared the shame of disrespecting Dr Brenner's rules because although it had been Henry's idea in the first place, Nellie had still decided to go along with him. It wasn't as if she was forced to, that was her choice and the mistake she had made.

Henry furrowed his brows, "how is it my fault!? I have been working hard to try to get us out of here for months now! I deserve a thank you if anything." he snapped, his eyes dark.

"A thank you!? You are almost getting us ki-" she stopped mid-sentence and before she could say the word 'killed' her face formed that of someone who was in deep fear...

"What!? Go on! Spit it out!" Henry shouted, only to be silenced by Nellie who had placed one hand over his mouth.

"Shh.." she whispered quietly, her eyes drifting towards the hallways where a single light once again flickered.

At the light flickering, the shape of some deadly-looking creature made an appearance. It was a colossal and demonic blasphemy with razor-sharp teeth, and it held out hooked talons, a thing that was only known to belong to some strong animal. Its position was a kind of crouch, and as one looked one felt that at any moment it might drop its deadly stare and seek the two morsel's in front of it. But, it wasn't even the fiendish subject that made it such an immortal fountain-head of all panic—not that, nor the face that resembled some lethal fly trap with its non-existent eyes, and drooling lips. It wasn't the sharp claws nor the scaly, bony body- none of these, though any one of them might well have driven an excitable person to madness.

They'd seen this monster a few times before when trapped in the basement for wrongdoings by their papa but up close it was more than a nightmare, not that they could call for help or anything, it wasn't a possibility anymore and this felt like the end.

Nellie's breath hitched, "Henry.. don't move."

Henry was frozen to the spot and for once a speck of fear could be seen on his usually cold, straight face. Normally he wasn't scared of anything but this, this was something else. "We can't just let it stand there.." he spoke quietly, his heart racing in his chest. He didn't know what to do, none of them did. How were they supposed to defeat some demon?

Two kids against one creature. Sounded easy. But with a creature like this it most certainly wasn't, it would take many more people to take down this dismal, inhuman, beast-like, brute.

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