Chapter Three: The incident

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The next morning soon came around and with having hardly any sleep at all Nellie was not looking forward to her time back at school. Today they went back after one long week of rest but it hadn't been long at all, it had seemed so short and nothing had really happened until the previous day with the new neighbours. She'd not slept all night with the constant thought of this new boy lurking in her mind, the words he'd said repeating in her mind like a never-ending train ride and she still couldn't understand what he'd meant by saying they were alike. She refused to believe he was even close to what she was like; having powers and all. But oh she was wrong. So wrong.

"Nellie Brown come on or you'll be late!" She heard her mother shout from the stairs. It was always like this, a constant rush to get to school but she always got there in the end and was always early anyway.

Nellie sighed and picked up her backpack, throwing all of the books she needed into it. The school wasn't something she enjoyed at all but then again who did? It was a waste of time in her eyes, she didn't see her future to be very bright and she was constantly told by her father that she wouldn't get far in life, so what was the point in it? Not even friends made it worthwhile as it did for most; to Hawkins Middle School she was still the new kid, someone who could be pushed around. However, she was waiting, waiting till they passed her limit and then she'd strike and believe me no one wanted to see Nellie Brown angry. No one.

She headed down the stairs slowly and looked towards her sister who was waiting by the door. She too went to the same school as Nellie but of course in a younger year. Despite being the youngest and the quiet one though, she had all the friends in the world and all the teachers loved her. I wouldn't go as far as saying Nellie was jealous of her sister, well she was but it was only because she always seemed to get noticed more by her parents and by everyone in school and nothing annoyed her more. It just made her feel invisible as if she didn't even exist but she'd soon show them what that was like, they'd soon notice her she was sure of it and she couldn't wait.

"Nel! Are you excited!?" Her sister asked her, circling around her with a huge smile on her face.

"Be quiet," Nellie muttered, only to end up receiving a glare from their mother. The glare that told her that if she didn't stop there would be consequences.

She just rolled her eyes and walked out of the door,  deciding she'd wait for them outside. Standing on the pavement against the wall by her house she yawned and looked on over to the house that sat just across from her, that was when she noticed someone familiar on the opposite pavement looking directly at her.

"If it isn't Nellie Brown again," Henry said, laughing when he'd noticed her yawn. "Someone's a sleepy head this morning!" Henry shouted to her, the same grin that he always had, forming on his face.

"Funny way to say hello or good morning, don't you think?" She questioned him but couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face. Why she was smiling, however? she had no clue.

He'd creeped her out the day before quite a bit when she'd been around at his house but then again she gathered he was just messing with her. After all, he knew nothing about her as of yet so there was no way he'd actually meant that they were anything like one another.

Henry raised his brow but then walked across the street, "shall we walk together?" he asked. So now he was acting normal? She really needed to get to the bottom of why this boy acted as he did.

"Well, actually I get dropped off at school in this old thing." She said, tapping the bonnet of her mother's car but suddenly a voice spoke from behind her.

Her mother smiled when noticing that she was talking to her new friend again and of course had to intervene as mothers do, "Honey you go ahead and walk with your friend, it is only up the road and through the woods. I'll drop Felicity off."

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