Chapter Nine: The Reappearence Of Nellie Brown

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"I can't believe we are doing this," Nancy said, nerves getting the better of her as she walked towards the guard and took the keys from his pocket whilst trying her best to be very quiet to not wake him from his slumber.

"In all fairness, this was your idea but if this does happen to be somewhat successful I still want part of the credit," Robin said, watching the stairs to make sure no one else entered whilst they went through with their plan of action.

The guard shifted onto his side, causing Nancy to pause and freeze on the spot for a moment. One bad move and the entire operation would prove itself unsuccessful. However, soon the guard just went back to his sleeping state. Nancy let out a sigh of relief and then handed the keys to the door to Robin, before taking another set of keys towards the cell that Nellie was in.

Everything ran smoothly from then on, they got Nellie out of the cell, Robin unlocked the door to the basement floor that they were on and then they all headed out. They then made their way through the halls, trying their best to act calm and keep Nellie hidden. It was difficult considering that people were everywhere but they tried to just stay in the shadows and go along with everyone else. Well, that was until the professor from a few hours before appeared and spotted them.

"Hey! Stop right there!" he shouted after them. "Is she everything you hoped she'd be!? I just had a really interesting conversation with Professor Brantley and I've alerted the police!"

Nancy's eyes widened at the sight of him and turned to the two others. Robin had a similar expression to Nancy however Nellie was pretty calm despite the scene that had unfolded in front of them. Everyone except for her, looked very very panicked, then again she'd been used to this whole escape thing before when in Hawkins Lab so it somewhat made sense to why she was so used to the situation.

"Just keep walking... then when they get faster quicken your pace," Nellie whispered, her eyes falling upon the two who nodded in response.

"But I'm warning you right now I have really bad coordination-" Robin began. "Like it took me six months longer to walk than all the other babies"

Nancy pulled a face and then sighed, "just follow my lead-"

Robin looked surprised by the sudden change as Nancy pulled her and Nellie with her, " no- my god!" she shouted out.

"HEY!" The guards yelled angrily, chasing after them. "STOP RIGHT THERE! THEY ARE TAKING THE PSYCHOTIC GIRL WITH THEM! STOP THEM!"

Robin ran behind Nancy and Nellie, her shoes flying off and almost hitting Nancy, however, she didn't stop and just continued running. They all jumped over the brick wall, watching as the other patients in the hospital shouted after them or laughed. Nellie knew most of them from days in the day room which only a few privileged people that had 'psychotic problems' got to go to in order to help their mental stability but she wasn't mental, she wasn't at all, she never had been.

Once they reached the car, they jumped inside. Nancy got into the driver's seat with Robin beside her and Nellie got into the back. She'd never really seen a car as fancy as this one, as the cars when she was a small child and free in the world, had been a lot different. Then again she hadn't seen a car in over a decade. Locking the doors, a guard reached the window and started to knock on it over and over again, yelling many things like 'Stop right there, get out of the car!' And 'Give the psycho back!' But no one listened, in fact, they soon sped full speed down the road and past the guard who had no chance at catching them now.

"Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit-" Robin repeated over and over again as she watched the back window. All she could see were the guards everywhere who were trying their best to follow them but failing miserably at it.

002 - Stranger Thingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें